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13 tracks. 13 writers and artists.

The next stage in the 13tracks project is the 13tracks magazine. We're inviting 13 writers and visual artists or designers to each respond to one of the tracks in a playlist. These works will be collated into a physical magazine, professionally printed, and made available for purchase.

The writing and the art won’t be about the music directly - the contributions will be essays, poems, short stories, photographs, paintings, collages, drawings, anything inspired by the track in the context of the playlist.

What emotions, ideas, or images does the track evoke? Where does the music take you?

This is about how art inspires other art. The visuals and the writing will be developed separately but presented alongside each other in the magazine, creating a triangular relationship between the sound, word, and image throughout the playlist.

So, if you’re interested, here’s what to do:

  1. Listen to 13tracks edition 13 playlist
  2. Get inspired by one of the tracks
  3. Fill out this form to tell me what you’d like to do for the magazine
  4. Once your proposal is accepted, create your writing or art - inspired by, but not about, the music

If you’d like to contribute but would prefer to be assigned a track, or simply want to discuss the process further, please be in touch via email to [email protected]

There are no active public submission calls for this project.