Recent Submission Responses from UR-Paranormal
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The Recent Responses page shows you all the submission response reports as they come pouring in from journals, contests, anthologies, and presses. Discover which publications and publishers are responding to submissions right now. Learn more.
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Over 22,850 responses from all publishers have been reported to us in the past 30 days by Duotrope subscribers. Here is a small sampling of the complete list of recent responses from all publications.
1. 208-day personal rejection from Cleaver Magazine on February 8.
2. 208-day personal rejection from Cleaver Magazine on February 8.
3. 99-day form rejection from Skull and Laurel Magazine [Tenebrous Press] on February 8.
4. 87-day personal rejection from West Branch on February 7.
5. 82-day form rejection from Clamor Journal on February 7.
6. 4-day form rejection from The Penn Review on February 7.
7. 4-day form rejection from The Penn Review on February 7.
8. 4-day form rejection from The Penn Review on February 7.
9. 4-day form rejection from The Penn Review on February 7.
10. 4-day form rejection from The Penn Review on February 7.
11. 221-day form rejection from Cleaver Magazine on February 7.
12. 221-day form rejection from Cleaver Magazine on February 7.
13. 77-day form rejection from miCRo series [The Cincinnati Review] on February 7.
14. 77-day form rejection from miCRo series [The Cincinnati Review] on February 7.
15. 9-day personal rejection from SmokeLong Quarterly on February 7.
16. 4-day personal rejection from SmokeLong Quarterly on February 7.
17. 169-day form rejection from Kurt Vonnegut Speculative Fiction Prize [North American Review] on February 7.
18. 169-day form rejection from Kurt Vonnegut Speculative Fiction Prize [North American Review] on February 7.
19. 169-day form rejection from Kurt Vonnegut Speculative Fiction Prize [North American Review] on February 7.
20. 169-day form rejection from Kurt Vonnegut Speculative Fiction Prize [North American Review] on February 7.
21. 169-day form rejection from Kurt Vonnegut Speculative Fiction Prize [North American Review] on February 7.
22. 33-day form rejection from Redivider: A Journal for New Literature on February 7.
23. 108-day form rejection from Skull and Laurel Magazine [Tenebrous Press] on February 7.
24. 108-day form rejection from Skull and Laurel Magazine [Tenebrous Press] on February 7.
Note: This list is compiled every five minutes. Last compiled: 8 February 2025 12:33 AM UTC (1 minutes, 37 second(s) ago).