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Duosuma® Duotrope's Submission Manager

Duosuma: Request a Duosuma Account (publishers and agents only)

What is Duosuma? Duosuma is Duotrope's Submission Manager. It helps publishers and agents receive and manage their submissions quickly, easily, and affordably. Learn more.

Important! Duosuma Accounts are for publishing projects and literary agents who want to use our submission manage to receive and manage their submissions. If you will be submitting through Duosuma, you do not need a Duosuma account. You only need a Duotrope account (no subscription required).
Prerequisite: To sign up for a Duosuma account, you must have an active listing on Duotrope that doesn't have any pending qualification issues. If your publishing project or literary agency isn't listed with us, read our criteria for publishing projects or criteria for literary agents and if all criteria are met, request a listing. Once we have created an active listing, you will then be able to request a Duosuma account.
Enter the title of the project or the name of the agency for which you are requesting an account.
For best results, only enter the most unique word in the title/name.