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About Duotrope®

Duotrope is a subscription-based service for writers and artists that offers an extensive, searchable database of current fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and visual art publishers and agents, a calendar of upcoming deadlines, a personal submission tracker, and useful statistics compiled from the millions of data points we've gathered on the publishers and agents we list.

What sets us apart from the competition?

There are other resources available to writers and artists, both free and paid. We believe we're the best in the field. Here's why:

  • We are established. Duotrope was launched in 2005. Our team has several decades of combined experience in writing, art, and publishing.
  • We are professional. Duotrope is a business. We are not hobbyists, interns, or volunteers. Our team is highly trained and committed to the work we do.
  • We are informative. No other writers' resource has the vast amounts of data on publishers that we have. Also, we apply proprietary algorithms to make sure our statistical reports are as accurate and clean as possible. This helps writers make informed decisions on where to submit.
  • We are global. We list English-language publishers in over 40 countries. Also, Duotrope has subscribers in every US state and in over 70 other countries.
  • We are impartial. Duotrope is ad-free. Also, publishers cannot pay us to list or promote their projects. We list any publishing project that meets our criteria.
  • We are comprehensive. Duotrope is style-agnostic. While some resources focus only on the literary side of publishing, and others focus on genre publications, Duotrope doesn't limit by genre or style. Our advanced search feature lets you find exactly what you're looking for, no matter what you write (or create).
  • Most importantly, we are proactive. Unlike other resources, we don't wait for information to come to us. Instead, we check each active listing's guidelines page for changes once a month on average. In addition to that, we run semiannual (2 per year) audits of each listing, and we contact dozens of editors on any given day to make sure our information is still current.
    As a result, this makes us the most up-to-date market resource around.

Awards & Accolades

Duotrope has been honored as one of Writer's Digest 101 Best Websites for Writers, and we were included in The Write Life's 100 Best Websites for Writers. Also, Preditors & Editors (sadly now defunct) selected Duotrope for their Truly Useful Site Award.

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Duotrope by the Numbers

That's the number of current fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and visual art publishers and agents that we list. Learn more.

Listing of the Day: Recent cover image or website screenshot for 7.13 Books7.13 Books

Our All-Time Data Collections:
2,562,071 submission reports
34,815 themes & deadlines
2,330 interviews with editors & agents

Activity in the Past Week:
4,071 submissions reported
1,814 listings checked We check each active listing's guidelines page for changes once a month on average. Click to learn more.
2,628 listings updated
305 listings audited We audit each active listing twice a year. Click to learn more.
44 new listings added
Most recent update:
1 minute(s) ago

Did you know that Duotrope members have recently* been accepted by these top publications?

Ploughshares, AGNI, The Missouri Review, The Sun Magazine, swamp pink, Baltimore Review, Chestnut Review, West Branch, Split Lip Magazine, Copper Nickel, Kenyon Review, New England Review, CRAFT, Ninth Letter, The Adroit Journal, The Georgia Review, Colorado Review, Bennington Review, STORY Magazine, Rattle, SmokeLong Quarterly, Clarkesworld, Michigan Quarterly Review, Gulf Coast, Uncharted Magazine, and many more.

We are proud that our tools help writers and artists achieve such extraordinary success, and we applaud everyone who has the courage to submit!

* Within the past 12 months. This list is recompiled once a day. Last compiled: Thursday, February 6, 2025 2:40:38 AM UTC.