About the Newsletter
If you have a Duotrope subscription, you can opt to receive an info-filled weekly newsletter that contains a list of new publications (journals, anthologies, contests, and book publishers) and agents, markets and agents that have closed or opened to submissions, upcoming themed deadlines, and more.
In addition, we offer a monthly newsletter that anyone can opt-in to receive (you do need to log in at least once a year to continue receiving it). The monthly edition includes a summary of the past month's activity at Duotrope and highlights a few of our most popular new listings.
Both editions of the newsletter are to the point and ad-free. We do not sell or share email addresses, and we never send spam. If you ever want to opt-out from our mailing list, you can do that painlessly here on this page. Instructions on how to unsubscribe are also provided in every issue sent.
To sign up for our newsletter:
Sign up for an account and select the option to receive the newsletter. Sign up now!
If you are already on our mailing list
If you aren't receiving your issues:
- Check your Spam/Junk folder.
- Add [email protected] to your whitelist. (This is an important step that informs your mail provider that you do want to receive our messages.)
- If you are subscribed to the free edition of the newsletter, you must log in to your Duotrope account at least once a year.
If you have followed those steps and still aren't receiving your issues, please contact Customer Service.
To unsubscribe from the newsletter, click here.
To update your email address, log in and go to your Update Profile page.
To set your preferred day (only for Duotrope subscribers receiving the weekly edition), go to your Update Profile page. Note: Due to volume and other restrictions, we cannot guarantee that you will always receive your weekly issue on your selected day of the week, but we will try to send it on that day whenever possible.