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Duosuma® Duotrope's Submission Manager

Duosuma: Request an Account (publishers and agents only)

What is Duosuma? Duosuma is Duotrope's Submission Manager. It helps publishers and agents receive and manage their submissions quickly, easily, and affordably. Learn more.

Important! Duosuma Accounts are for publishing projects and literary agents who want to use our submission manager to receive and manage their submissions. If you will be submitting through Duosuma, you do not need a Duosuma account. You only need a Duotrope account (no subscription required).

White Enso Journal

Important Note: The person who creates the account is designated as the account's "owner" and will have complete administrative control over it. The owner is legally and financially responsible for the account. Also, the "account owner" role should not be given to a short-term member of the staff (such as a student editor). Please make sure the appropriate person makes the request.
Note: This must be your full legal name, not the title of the project or a job title such as "Administrator."

Note: For your security, we will email the address we have on record for White Enso Journal.
Please provide an address below in case we have trouble contacting you at the address on record.