Duosuma Account Settings The Manage Account Settings page is where you can manage the global settings for your Duosuma Account. To access this page, you must be the Account Owner or have "Manage Account" privileges. Note: If you ever need to transfer account ownership to someone else, the current account owner can do that from the Manage Team page. Here are the available settings: Account Information Account Name: (Required.) This is the name for the account. It is usually the name of the company, organization, or primary publication. It does not need to be a legal entity, but it does need to reflect the group responsible for the projects that will be accepting submissions via Duosuma. Default Website: (Required.) This is the website for the account. This setting will be applied by default to all projects under the account, but can be overridden in each Project's Settings. Contact Email: (Required.) A contact email is required for all Duosuma accounts. Please make sure this email address is kept up to date. If we cannot contact you with invoices, receipts, and other important matters, we may suspend the account. All contact information you provide, including this email address, is protected under the terms of our Privacy Policy. (The only email address that may be revealed to submitters is the Reply Email address in Project Settings, which is used as the reply-to address.) Billing Email: (Optional.) If you'd like us to send invoices, receipts, and other billing matters to a second address in addition to the primary Contact Email, you may provide one. Time Zone: (Required.) This sets the time zone for the account (default is UTC). The time zone setting is used for Submission Period opening and closing dates, and can be overridden on individual Submission Period entries. Default Twitter Account: (Optional but recommended.) If you have a Twitter account that you'd like us to share, set your default Twitter handle. This setting will be applied by default to all projects under the account, but can be overridden in the Project Settings. NOTE: If you provide a working Twitter account, we may feature your projects with open calls up to once a month on our @duosuma and/or @duotrope X/Twitter accounts, volume permitting. To qualify to be featured, your Duosuma account must be in good standing, the project's official website must link to your Duosuma page(s), and you and/or your team must be actively using Duosuma. Display Settings Banner Image: (Optional but recommended.) If you'd like a banner image to be displayed on your public Project/Submit pages (and on any Twitter posts that share those links), you can upload an image. By default, the banner will apply to all projects under the account, but you can override it if necessary. NOTE: For best results, use an image that is wider than it is tall. Also, it will be displayed on a white background, so keep that in mind if it uses transparency. Twitter Image: (Optional.) If you'd like a to use a different image from your Banner image on any Twitter posts (either Twitter posts by Duosuma or when someone tweets a link to your public Duosuma page), you can upload an image. By default, the image will apply to all projects under the account, but you can override it if necessary. NOTE: For best results, use an image that is has a square ratio. Custom Color: (Optional.) You can set the highlight color that will appear on buttons and other elements of your public Project and Submit pages. By default, the color will apply to all projects under the account, but you can override it if necessary. We highly recommend that you select a mid-tone color, and you don't select a red or gray (since most people associate red with errors and gray buttons as "grayed out" or disabled controls). The system will take light, medium, and dark tones of the color you select and use those to generate the highlight elements with appropriate contrast so that the text is still legible. If you don't select a Custom Color, your public Project and Submit pages will use the default Duosuma color scheme. Submission Settings Assignment System: How should new submissions be assigned? The options are: Auto: Load Balancing: (Default. Recommended.) As submissions come in, they are assigned to members of the team who are set up to receive that type of submission. The Load Balancing option will attempt to keep the workload as even as possible across all people in your Assignment Pool. Auto: Round Robin: (Recommended.) As submissions come in, they are assigned to members of the team who are set up to receive that type of submission in alternating fashion. Auto: Random: As submissions come in, they are assigned to members of the team who are set up to receive that type of submission. Instead of alternating among the team members, they are randomly assigned. Predetermined: Each new submission will be assigned to the specific person/people selected for that project/call. Manual: (Not recommended.) Submissions are never automatically assigned. Instead, they must be manually assigned. For more information, please read our in-depth guide to Submission Assignment. Rating System: How will your team rate submissions? (Ratings are an internal feature; the submitter will never see them.) The options are: Accept/Decline: Members of the team can vote to "Accept" or "Decline" a submission only. (Note: Voting to "accept" or "decline" a submission does not actually accept or decline that submission; it only shares your vote with the team.) Yes/No/Maybe: (Recommended when only one person will review each submission.) Members of the team can submit a rating of "Yes," "No," or "Maybe" on a submission. 5 Star Rating: (Default. Recommended when more than one person will be rating each submission.) Members of the team can rate a submission between 1 star (lowest) and 5 stars (highest). Letter Grade: Members of the team can rate submissions on a grading scale between A+ and F. No Rating System: If you don't want your team members to rate submissions, you can turn off the feature using this setting. You also have the option to Require Reviews with all ratings. A note about choosing rating systems:If more than one person will be rating each submission, our recommended option is 5 Star Rating. This provides the best balance between simplicity and flexibility for team ratings. We do not recommend Accept/Decline or Yes/No/Maybe in this scenario, but Letter Grades can work here.If each submission will be rated by one person only, you can use either Accept/Decline or Yes/No/Maybe. The other options can be overkill for this scenario. A note about changing rating systems: When you change from one rating system to another, we convert existing ratings to the new system, but it may not work as expected. For that reason, we don't recommend changing the rating system at a later date unless absolutely necessary. You can always try it, though, and then revert if things don't go as expected. If you want to use custom tags to label submissions, be sure to Enable Tags. If you currently accept Translations or plan to accept them in the future, check that box, which will enable features specific to Translations. To set up whether you will prohibit (or allow) use of AI or machine learning tools in the creation of works being submitted, make that selection under AI Policy. This setting will apply to all your projects and calls.If AI is prohibited, submitters will have to affirm that the material they are submitting was not AI-generated or AI-assisted before they can submit. If AI is allowed but with restrictions, please list those restrictions in your Project/Call description and consider adding a Custom Question to cover your scenario. If you want to be able to prevent specific people from submitting, Enable Ban List. Submission Cap: (Optional.) If you want to set an Account-level submission cap, do that here. Once you receive that number of submissions across all projects and calls, submissions will automatically close until the start of your next billing period, when the counter will reset and submissions will resume. If you would rather set a Project-level cap or a Call-level cap, do that on those respective pages. (Note that caps count the number of submissions, not the number of submission credits, so plan accordingly.) Online Viewing: This sets whether submission manuscripts can be shown inline in the browser, and if so, using what technologies. Here are the options: No Online Viewing: (Default.) The submission files will not be displayed in the browser. The reader will need to either download the file or send it to their Kindle device (if they've set that up). Viewing through Google Docs: The browser will use Google Docs technology to display any Google Docs-compatible files (doc, docx, txt, odt). PDFs will also be displayed inline. Viewing through Office 365*: The browser will use Office 365 technology to display Office files (doc, docx). PDFs will also be displayed inline. Viewing through Google Docs or Office 365*: The browser will use Office 365 technology to display Office files or Google Docs to display other compatible files. PDFs will also be displayed inline. Convert to PDF and View: Documents (other than Pages format) will be converted to PDF and displayed in the browser. Important information: If you select an option that uses Google Docs and/or Office 365, all files viewed will be exposed to Google or Microsoft's servers, as applicable. If that is not permitted by law in your jurisdiction or is against your business practices, select "No Online Viewing" or "Convert to PDF."Also, be aware that any of the viewing options may alter the formatting from that of the original document.Finally, be aware that at this time, we cannot display Pages documents in the browser using any setting. * Office 365 can be picky about files that were converted to docx format using non-Microsoft software. If you have a lot of trouble viewing docx files, try "Viewing through Google Docs" instead of one of the options that includes Office 365. Filenames: This sets the naming convention on downloaded submission files. Pattern: (Default.) For anonymous submissions, it uses a title-date pattern; on non-anonymous submissions, it uses a lastname-title-date pattern. Ex: Poe-Telltale-Heart-430119.docx Original: When possible, it will use the file name as uploaded by the submitter. Ex: myfile.pdf Tokenized: This protects the identity of the submitter and uses a token based on the submission ID and is the only way to guarantee that personal information won't be accidentally revealed in the filename on anonymous submissions. Ex: Al6Eab-OrDE2-ia5Am-LM237-qVDm2jpw9.rtf File Deletion: This sets when submission files for declined (rejected) submissions are deleted from Duosuma's servers.* Files for acceptances and pending submissions are never automatically deleted. Your team is responsible for properly disposing of any submission files that they have downloaded to their computers/devices. Delete upon rejection Delete 30 days after rejection Delete 60 days after rejection (default) Delete 90 days after rejection Delete 180 days after rejection Delete 365 days after rejection Note: Submitters may manually delete their files on declined submissions prior to the File Deletion time frame. Advanced Team Settings Enable Advanced Team Settings: (Optional.) If you want to be able to set response targets (a goal for responding to submissions within a certain number of days) and/or assignment threshold (when a team member should take action on a submission assigned to them before it becomes "overdue"), check the box. Response Target: (Optional.) This sets when submissions should receive final responses, based on the date the submission was received. In other words, it sets when submissions are considered late for response. By setting a target, you'll be able to trigger notifications and search options based on that target, so you can keep track of submissions that are late for response.If you don't want to set a target, leave this field blank. Notification Options: If you want certain members of your team to be notified when submissions become Late and/or submission assignments are Overdue, be sure to select the Overdue Submissions notification option for those team members on the Team Management page. Assignment Threshold: (Optional.) This sets when submission assignments are considered overdue for action. Unlike the Response Target, this is based on when the submission was assigned to the team member, rather than being based on the date when the submission was received. By setting an assignment threshold, you'll be able to trigger reminders and/or reassignments based on the threshold.Assignment thresholds should be less than or equal to the Response Target (if you set one), and should be chosen to work with your team's approach to reviewing submissions. For example, if submissions can be reviewed by up to three different people, the assignment threshold should be one-third or less of the target (eg.: If the target is 90 days, and there's a maximum of three sequential reviews, you could set the assignment threshold to 20-30 days to ensure that all three reviews can be achieved within the 90 days.)If you don't want to set a threshold, leave this field blank. Send Reminders: (Optional, and only available if an Assignment Threshold has been set.) This allows you to set a time frame to send reminders to team members about pending submissions assigned to them that will soon be overdue. For example, you can set it to send reminders 10 days before submissions become Overdue. (The reminder notices will also include a list of submissions assigned to them that are already Overdue.)If you don't want to send these reminders, leave this field blank. Reassign: (Optional, and only available if an Assignment Threshold has been set.) This sets whether the system should attempt to reassign Overdue submissions at a set point after the assignment threshold is reached.Note: The system will choose someone who is eligible to review that submission, according to your Assignment System setting. If no one qualifies, the submission will be unassigned. If you need to have more control over who receives overdue submissions (such as assigning them to an editor or manager), consider not using the Reassign option and handling these reassignments either manually or in bulk.If you don't want the system to reassign overdue submissions, leave this field blank. Go to the Duosuma Home Page. See more Documentation. Have any questions about this? Ask us.