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Duosuma® Duotrope's Submission Manager

Guide to Tagging Submissions

What are Tags?

Tags provide a way for your team to label submissions with custom tags that meet your team's unique needs. Tags can help your team determine what kind of response to send to a submitter.

Note: Tags are an internal feature. Only members of your team can see them. Submitters will never see the tags applied to their submissions.

If your team doesn't need Tags, they can be disabled in Account Settings.

Managing Tags

Enable Tags

Before you can begin tagging submissions, first you need to make sure your Account Settings have Enabled Tags. (You must have "Manage Account" permission to do this.)

Add and Manage Tags

Next, you need to populate the tags that can be used by everyone on your team to label submissions. Go to the Manage Tags page and Add, Edit, or Delete tags as needed. To access this page, you must be the Account Owner or have "Manage Templates/Tags" privileges.

The only restriction with tags is that they can't be longer than 100 characters in length.

Bulk Tagging Submissions

Once you've set up your Tags, anyone on your team can Bulk Tag submissions on the Manage Submissions page. To do so, follow these simple steps:

  1. From the List of Submissions, check the boxes for the submissions you wish to tag.
  2. Click the "Bulk Tag" button.
  3. Select the Tag from the drop-down list.
  4. Click the "Tag" button.

This will label all selected submissions with that tag.

Tagging Individual Submissions

Once you've set up your Tags, anyone on your team can add (or remove) tags to a submission record on Pending and Accepted submissions. Select a Submission, and look for the Tags section.

  • To add a tag to a submission, click the Tags box to select an option, or start typing in the Tags box to find a specific tag.
  • If you need to remove a tag from the submission, use the X icon on the tag(s) you need to remove.

Go to the Duosuma Home Page.
See more Documentation.
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