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Fourth Genre Steinberg Memorial Essay Prize

The Steinberg Memorial Essay Prize is named in honor of Fourth Genre's founding editor, Michael J. Steinberg, The contest gives us an opportunity to highlight outstanding writers and their work. The first place winner of the contest will receive $1000 and publication in the following year's spring issue. The winner and finalists will also be announced on our Facebook page, Twitter, and website.

2025 Steinberg Memorial Essay Prize Fee: usd $20.00

Closes on Tuesday, April 15, 2025 11:59 PM UTC (in 66 days).

In honor of Fourth Genre’s founding editor, Michael J. Steinberg, we’re proud to award $1000 and publication each year to the winner of the Steinberg Memorial Essay Prize.

Our judge this year is Sonya Huber. Sonya Huber is the author of eight books, including the new essay collection, Love and Industry: A Midwestern Workbook as well as the writing guide, Voice First: A Writer’s Manifesto, and an award-winning essay collection on chronic pain, Pain Woman Takes Your Keys and Other Essays from a Nervous System. Her other books include the Supremely Tiny Acts: A Memoir in a Day, Opa Nobody, Cover Me: A Health Insurance Memoir, and The Backwards Research Guide for Writers. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, Brevity, Creative Nonfiction, The Atlantic, The Guardian, and other outlets. She teaches at Fairfield University and in the Fairfield low-residency MFA program.

  • Submit from January 1st to April 15th.
  • All submissions will be considered for publication.
  • We rarely publish essays longer than 6,000 words. But if you have something longer, and it is really good, send it our way.
  • A reading fee of $20(U.S.) for each individual submission (multiple submissions accepted).
  • For all reading periods, we read blind, so be sure your name or any other identifying information does not appear on the manuscript or in the file name.

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