Orison Books Open Reading Period General fiction and nonfiction manuscript submissions as well as anthology proposals are accepted each year during the month of October. We consider all types of fiction, including novels, short story or flash fiction collections, and novellas. We consider several types of nonfiction, including personal or lyric essays and memoir; we are less likely to be interested in academic nonfiction, and do not consider "inspirational" or "self-help" manuscripts. Anthology ProposalsTemp ClosedSingle- or multiple-genre anthology proposals are accepted during the month of October only. Send a one-page description of the anthology, biographical information for the editor(s), and 30 pages of sample content. (An anthology is an edited collection of writing by multiple authors. A manuscript of your own work is NOT eligible.)Not OpenFictionTemp ClosedMinimum word count: 30,000We do not consider manuscripts that have been previously published in book form.Self-published manuscripts are considered previously published and will not be considered.Portions of the manuscript may have been published in periodicals, provided that a list of acknowledgments is included.Work in English translation is also accepted. (The translator must have permission to publish the translations, or the original work must be in the public domain per U.S. and international copyright law.)Send an author biography and complete manuscript.Not OpenNonfictionTemp ClosedMinimum word count: 30,000We do not consider manuscripts that have been previously published in book form.Self-published manuscripts are considered previously published and will not be considered.Portions of the manuscript may have been published in periodicals, provided that a list of acknowledgments is included.Work in English translation is also accepted. (The translator must have permission to publish the translations, or the original work must be in the public domain per U.S. and international copyright law.)Send an author biography and complete manuscript.Not Open Other Related ProjectsBest Spiritual Literature AwardsBest Spiritual Literature Editorial NominationsDivinity in the Margins: Transgender & GNC Writers on the DivineThe Orison Chapbook PrizeThe Orison Prizes in Poetry & Fiction