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Consequence journal and Consequence online address the human consequences and realities of war and geopolitical violence through literature and art. We offer intellectual and emotional access to the experiences of combatants, victims, and witnesses, while providing the public with works and voices from around the world in order to promote a clearer and more nuanced understanding of what’s at stake in choosing to wage war or engage in conflict. We publish in five genres—fiction, poetry, nonfiction, visual art, and translations.

More specifically, however, we have two main criteria when considering work. First and foremost, the work needs to address the human consequences and realities of war or geopolitical violence. This can include focusing on the experiences of combatants, but also victims and/or witnesses since, after all, it isn’t only combatants who are affected. Second, the work needs to have literary merit, by which we simply mean the piece needs to try to be greater than the sum of its parts. Does it inspire reflection? Insight? Anger? Joy? This is what we mean by literary merit.

Finally, all work is considered either for our print journal or as an online feature.

Thanks, and we look forward to reading your work.

Quick Links to Open Calls:

Fiction Free Tip Jar Option

Closes on Tuesday, April 15, 2025 11:59 PM EDT (in 88 days).

We welcome any fiction that focuses on the human consequences and realities of war or geopolitical violence.

  • Short story (1,000 to 5,000 words)
  • Excerpts (up to 5,000 words)

Note: If your work is a translation, please submit it through the Translations portal. If you work is flash (< 1,000 words), please submit it through the Flash Fiction portal.

Questions? Please contact our Fiction Editor at [email protected]

Flash Fiction Free Tip Jar Option

Closes on Tuesday, April 15, 2025 11:59 PM EDT (in 88 days).

We welcome any flash fiction (<1,000 words) that focuses on the human consequences and realities of war or geopolitical violence.

Note: If your work is a translation, please submit it through the Translations portal. If your work is longer than 1,000 words, please submit it through the Fiction portal.

Questions? Please contact our Fiction Editor at [email protected]

Nonfiction Free Tip Jar Option

Closes on Tuesday, April 15, 2025 11:59 PM EDT (in 88 days).

We welcome any nonfiction that focuses on the human consequences and realities of war or geopolitical violence. Specific forms would include but aren't limited to

  • Interviews
  • Personal Essays (up to 4,000 words)
  • Narrative Nonfiction (up to 4,000 words)

Note: If your work is a translation, please submit it through the Translations portal. Also, we are currently not accepting unsolicited reviews.

Questions? Please contact our Nonfiction Editor at [email protected]

Poetry Free Tip Jar Option

Closes on Tuesday, April 15, 2025 11:59 PM EDT (in 88 days).

We welcome poetry that focuses on the human consequences and realities of war or geopolitical violence.

You can submit up to three poems.

Note: If your work is a translation, please submit it through the Translations portal.

Questions? Contact our Poetry Editor at [email protected]. Thank you.

Translations Free Tip Jar Option


We publish translations focusing on the human consequences and realities of war or geopolitical violence.

Please note that we publish translations in our journal only in our Spring volume, and because our Spring '25 volume will be focused on Arabic/Palestine, all other work will be considered for publication on our Substack and/or our website. Thank you.

· Prose: Up to 2000 words, double-spaced in 12-pt font.
· Poetry: Up to five poems or up to ten pages total. (We consider longer pieces, but you must first pitch us your work at

We do not consider self-translations or previously published translations.

Please read our submission guidelines carefully. Failure to follow the guidelines may result in a significant delay in receiving a response or rejection.

In a single Word document, please submit the following:

  1. A cover letter (see below)
  2. Your English translation
  3. The original text

The cover letter must include the following:

  1. Word count
  2. The date of publication of the original work
  3. A note about why you have chosen to translate this piece and how it corresponds to our theme of war and/or geopolitical violence
  4. Author’s and translator’s bio up to 100 words
  5. A confirmation that you have permission to translate the text

Thank you for considering us. We look forward to reading your work!

Questions and pitches? Please contact our Translations Editor at [email protected]

Visual Art Free Tip Jar Option

Closes on Tuesday, April 15, 2025 11:59 PM EDT (in 88 days).

We welcome visual art that focuses on the human consequences and realities of war or geopolitical violence.

For us, the term "Visual Art" has a broad meaning and would include graphic narratives, photo essays, and video essays. We're after pieces for our online Visual Art features, our eight-page print journal spread, and the covers of our bi-annual print journal.

NOTE: if you would like to be considered for our print journal spread, please submit ten to twelve images.

Questions? Please contact our Visual Art Editor at [email protected]