Cosmic Daffodil Journal (Gold Star Program) Gold Star In the Company of Strangers Free Tip Jar OptionOpenCloses on Tuesday, April 15, 2025 11:59 PM EDT (in 67 days).In the Company of StrangersChance encounters, brief interactions, and how fleeting moments with strangers can shape our lives.GENERAL GUIDELINESWe are looking for: poetry, flash fiction/non-fiction (600 words maximum), short story (1000 words maximum), photography, and visual art.All submissions MUST follow the theme. Pieces that do not adhere to the theme will automatically be rejected.Please keep in mind the word counts for flash fiction/nonfiction and short stories.Please include an artist's statement (1-2 sentences) with photography or visual art pieces. This helps us during the reviewing process. Biographies must be 50 words or less. Visit our FAQ if you have any questions.SubmitLights OutTemp ClosedLIGHTS OUT Cosmic Daffodil Journal's fourth publication will be centered around the horror genre. There are three different categories to submit to. Please mention the category name with your submission. AN ODE TO POE: Psychological horror. Gothic, gruesome, gritty, gore. Losing control of one’s mind. Madness. Violence. What is scarier: a monster or the mind?APOCALYPTIC: Eco-horror. A world on fire. Polluted air and water. Human survival hanging on by a thread. Can it be saved, or is it too late?GHOULS & GALORE: Fantasy horror. Witches brewing potions, malevolent specters lurking in the shadows, what once was dead is now alive.Not OpenNATURATemp ClosedNature as a whole; deer grazing on grass in a forest, the stars on a clear night, children playing in an ocean inlet, birds chirping in tree canopies, a babbling brook by a cottage in the mountains. What is nature to you?Natura defined as:1. the whole system of the existence, arrangement, forces, and events of all physical life that are not controlled by humankind 2. all natural phenomena and plant and animal life, as distinct from human beings and their creationsNot Open