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Midsummer Dream House (Gold Star Program) Gold Star

You have attempted to access a call for submissions that is either no longer open to the public or no longer valid. Any currently open public calls will be listed below.

Quick Links to Open Calls:

Fiction Contest: Fall 2024 Fee: usd $15.00


Closes on Friday, November 1, 2024 11:59 PM PDT (in 123 days)

First place prize:

  • $100. Publication on Midsummer Dream House online.


  • $30. Publication on Midsummer Dream House online.

Non-Contest Winners:

  • All entries will be considered for online publication.


  • Submit 1 work of fiction between 100-10,000 words as a doc. or doc.x file.
  • You must be 18 years of age or over to submit.


  • Emma Grey Rose (Editor-in-Chief)
  • George du Bois (Editor)

How the entries will be judged:

  • We are looking for compelling and engaging stories.


  • Winner and nominees will be publicly announced by December 15, 2024.
  • Payment for prizes will be sent by December 31, 2024.
  • Payment is sent via PayPal.

Simultaneous Submissions:

  • Simultaneous submissions are accepted. If you are submitting simultaneously, please withdraw your submission if accepted elsewhere.


  • If you are submitting previously published work, please note this in your submission and include where it was first published. Work that has been posted only to your social media account(s), personal website(s) or blog(s) is not considered previously published.


  • For online publication: Midsummer Dream House retains online archival rights. At this time, we do not offer payment for pieces selected for publication that are non-contest winners.

Response Time:

All submissions will be responded to by December 15, 2024.

Poetry Contest: Fall 2024 Fee: usd $15.00


Closes on Friday, November 1, 2024 11:59 PM PDT (in 123 days)

First place prize:

  • $100. Publication on Midsummer Dream House online.
  • $30. Publication on Midsummer Dream House online.
Non-Contest Winners:
  • All entries will be considered for online publication.
  • Submit 1-6 poems for consideration.
  • Start each poem on a new page and submit as a doc. or doc.x file.
  • There are no formatting requirements or line limits.
  • You must be 18 years of age or over to submit.
  • Emma Grey Rose (Editor-in-Chief)
  • George du Bois (Editor)
Entries will be judged on:
  • Imagery
  • Use of Language
  • Concept
  • Form and Structure

Poems may take on any form or structure to include free verse.


  • Winner and nominees will be publicly announced by December 15, 2024.
  • Payment for prizes will be sent by December 31, 2024.
  • Payment is sent via PayPal.
Simultaneous Submissions:
  • Simultaneous submissions are accepted. If you are submitting simultaneously, please withdraw your submission if accepted elsewhere.
  • If you are submitting previously published work, please note this in your submission and include where it was first published. Work that has been posted only to your social media account(s), personal website(s) or blog(s) is not considered previously published.
  • For online publication: Midsummer Dream House retains online archival rights. At this time, we do not offer payment for pieces selected for publication that are non-contest winners.
Response Time:
  • All submissions will be responded to by December 15, 2024.
We do not accept submissions that feature or include excessive gore, violence, abuse, or nudity.

Special Edition Issue: Halloween Themed Fee: usd $5.00


Closes on Sunday, September 1, 2024 11:59 PM PDT (in 62 days)

Submissions to the Special Edition: Halloween Issue are open.

All work submitted will be considered for publication in the Special Edition 2024: Halloween Issue, in digital and print. Midsummer Dream House accepts simultaneous submissions and previously published work. If you are submitting previously published work, please note this in your submission and include where it was first published. Work that has been posted only to your social media account(s), personal website(s) or blog(s) is not considered previously published. If you are submitting simultaneously, please withdraw your submission if accepted elsewhere.

You may submit to more than one category at a time. Midsummer Dream House does not accept work that has been generated or created by Artificial Intelligence. You must be 18 years of age or over to submit.


  • Send 1-6 poems.
  • Start each poem on a new page and submit as a doc. or doc.x file.
  • Poems must be themed around: Fall, Halloween, Horror, Surrealism, Science Fiction, or the Paranormal.


  • Send 1-2 works of prose.
  • Start each work of prose on a new page and submit as a doc. or doc.x file,
  • Prose must be themed around: Fall, Halloween, Horror, Surrealism, Science Fiction, or the Paranormal.


  • Send 1 fictional story between 1,000-10,000 words.
  • Submit single spaced as a doc. or doc.x file.
  • Fiction must be themed around: Fall, Halloween, Horror, Surrealism, Science Fiction, or the Paranormal.


  • Send 1-3 works of flash fiction.
  • Each work of flash fiction can be up to 1,000 words long.
  • Start each piece on a new page and submit single spaced as a doc. or doc.x file.
  • Fiction must be themed around: Fall, Halloween, Horror, Surrealism, Science Fiction, or the Paranormal.


  • Send 1 work of creative nonfiction or 1 memoir between 500-10,000 words.
  • Submit single spaced as a doc. or doc.x file.
  • Creative nonfiction and memoirs must be themed around: Fall, Halloween, Horror, Surrealism, Science Fiction, or the Paranormal.


  • Send 1 play or script up to 30 pages long.
  • Submit as a doc. or doc.x file.
  • Plays or scripts must be themed around: Fall, Halloween, Horror, Surrealism, Science Fiction, or the Paranormal.


  • Send 1-10 photos or scans of artwork. All photos or scans must be at least 300 DPI.
  • Title each file with the title of the art piece.
  • Include a short cover letter which includes the medium of the work you've included in your submission.
  • Art must be themed around: Fall, Halloween, Horror, Surrealism, Science Fiction, or the Paranormal.


  • Submit under the 'Visual Art' category.
  • Send 1-10 photos. All photos must be at least 300 DPI.
  • Title each file with the title of the photo.
  • Photography must be themed around: Fall, Halloween, Horror, Surrealism, Science Fiction, or the Paranormal.
  • We do not accept street photography.


  • Send 1 comic book or graphic fictional work up to 30 pages long.
  • All images must be at least 300 DPI.
  • Include a short cover letter that also includes credits (if needed) and a synopsis.
  • Comics and Graphic Fictional Works must be themed around: Fall, Halloween, Horror, Surrealism, Science Fiction, or the Paranormal.


For unpublished pieces: Midsummer Dream House acquires first North American serial rights for its digital and print publication. For previously published pieces: Midsummer Dream House acquires second serial rights for its digital and print publication. We do not offer payment for accepted pieces at this time.


All Submissions will be responded to by October 30, 2024.

Midsummer Dream House is an independent publisher. We do not accept submissions that feature or include excessive gore, violence, abuse, or nudity. The nominal submission fee directly contributes to operational costs and expenses.

Online Publication

Temp Closed

Submissions to Midsummer Dream House online are open.

All work submitted will be considered for publication on Midsummer Dream House. Midsummer Dream House accepts simultaneous submissions and previously published work. If you are submitting previously published work, please note this in your submission and include where it was first published. Work that has been posted only to your social media account(s), personal website(s) or blog(s) is not considered previously published. If you are submitting simultaneously, please withdraw your submission if accepted elsewhere.

You may submit to more than one category at a time. Midsummer Dream House does not accept work that has been generated or created by Artificial Intelligence. You must be 18 years of age or over to submit.


  • Send 1-6 poems.
  • Start each poem on a new page and submit as a doc. or doc.x file.
  • Send 1-2 works of prose.
  • Start each work of prose on a new page and submit as a doc. or doc.x file,
  • Send 1 fictional story between 1,000-10,000 words.
  • Submit single spaced as a doc. or doc.x file.
  • Send 1-3 works of flash fiction.
  • Each work of flash fiction can be up to 1,000 words long.
  • Start each piece on a new page and submit single spaced as a doc. or doc.x file.
  • Send 1 work of creative nonfiction or 1 memoir between 500-10,000 words.
  • Submit single spaced as a doc. or doc.x file.
  • Send 1 play or script up to 30 pages long.
  • Submit as a doc. or doc.x file.


  • Send 1 comic book or graphic fictional work up to 30 pages long.
  • All images must be at least 300 DPI.
  • Include a short cover letter that also includes credits (if needed) and a synopsis.
  • Comics and Graphic Fictional Works must be themed around: Fall, Halloween, Horror, Surrealism, Science Fiction, or the Paranormal.
  • Submit under the 'Multimedia' category.
  • Submit 1 song as an audio link.
  • If accepted for publication, we will request the WAV or MP3 file of the song.


For online publication: Midsummer Dream House retains online archival rights. We do not offer payment for accepted pieces at this time.


1-6 months.

Midsummer Dream House is an independent publisher. We do not accept submissions that feature or include excessive gore, violence, abuse, or nudity.