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Graveside Press Paper Angel Press (Gold Star Program) Gold Star

You have attempted to access a call for submissions that is either no longer open to the public or no longer valid. Any currently open public calls will be listed below.

Graveside Press is a new imprint focused on horror, managed by members of the publishing teams that brings you Paper Angel Press, Water Dragon Publishing, Unruly Voices, and Cupid’s Arrow Publishing.

Bringing you sleep-shattering tales since October 2024.


  • Standalone works (novels, novellas, short stories "Tiny Terrors") - 50% royalties of net earnings paid quarterly
  • Anthology submissions - .02¢ per word to be paid 90 business days after publication


When submitting, please do not send your manuscript already formatted as a book with fancy chapter headers, fonts, margins, etc. We would greatly appreciate if you can follow the formatting guidelines below:

  • file type: *.doc or *.docx
  • Font: Any legible serif, e.g., Times New Roman, Garamond
  • Include author information at the top of page 1 (see sample below)
  • Use formatted indents and not tabs to begin each paragraph
  • Use hard returns to start new paragraphs
  • Use page breaks to begin chapters on a new page

If you would like an example of what a properly formatted manuscript looks like or need help with any of the above, check here.

When in doubt, just remember we want your MS as clean and readable as possible!

More information can be found here on our website.

Have a question you can't find an answer to?
Hannah Rebekah Graves (Aquisitions Manager) - [email protected]

Quick Links to Open Calls:

General Call for Submissions Free

Closes on Tuesday, September 30, 2025 11:59 PM PDT (in 236 days).

We can't wait to read your terrifying tales!

GSP is interested in horror of all sub-genres, from psychological to hauntings to creature-features and beyond.

As mentioned below, if you're looking to submit a short story or something for our GRADEside line, please make sure you submit to the appropriate call.

What we accept

  • novellas (15,000 - 40,000 words)
  • novels (40,000+ words)
  • collections and anthologies
  • series
  • various heat levels welcome
  • #OwnVoices stories encouraged

    What we do NOT accept

    • stories shorter than 15,000 words should be submitted to the Tiny Terrors call
    • stories aimed at younger audiences (middlegrade and younger YA) should be submitted to the GRADEside call
    • extreme splatterpunk without plot
    • erotica

    Pay rate

    • Standalone works (novels, novellas, short stories "Tiny Terrors") - 50% royalties of net earnings paid quarterly
    • Anthology submissions - .02¢ per word to be paid 90 business days after publication

    Full submission guidelines can be found here.

    SUBMISSIONS CONTAINING GENERATIVE AI ARE NOT PERMITTED. Can you lie about it? Sure. But your potential contract with us also forbids it. So just don't do it. :)

    GRADEside Middle Grade & Young Adult Horror Free


    Beware the children...

    We're asking for your tales again, this time not for Graveside Press, but for GRADEside Stories!

    Gradeside is your haunted carnival for the tales geared toward younger readers—still spooky, but with a little restraint. Both middle grade and young adult titles are considered, however, if we feel your YA title skews to an upper YA older audience, we may ask to publish it as a standard Graveside title.


    • wordcount: 2,000-6,000 (short story) / 20,000+ (novella or novel length)
    • aimed at a middle grade to young adult audience (10+)
    • have a PG to PG-13 rating

    The standard horror elements are allowed, but keep in mind who you're writing for. Topics such as extreme body horror, assault, torture, etc., will not be considered. MG stories should maintain a PG rating, and YA should stick to PG-13.

    Tiny Terrors 2025 Free

    Closes on Friday, October 31, 2025 11:59 PM PDT (in 267 days).

    It's back...

    Graveside Press is again looking for short fiction for our Tiny Terrors line.


    • wordcount: approximately 2,000 - 12,000 words for Tiny Terrors anthologies
    • wordcount: 5,000-15,000 words for Tiny Terrors standalones
    • anything larger may be submitted to general submissions as a novella-length work

    Most accepted Tiny Terrors will appear in a twice-a-year TT anthology. Sometimes, we'll take extra notice of a story and request to publish it as a standalone with its own cover, release date, and print edition.

    Pay rate:

    • anthology stories: .02¢ per word remitted 90 business days after publication
    • standalones: 50% royalties of net earnings paid quarterly

    2025 TT submissions will be looking at a 2026 publication date.

    Cryptid Anthology

    Temp Closed
    Opens on Saturday, February 15, 2025 12:00 AM PST (in 8 days).

    The votes are in...

    Graveside Press's next anthology theme will be CRYPTIDS.

    Definition of a cryptid for the sake of this anthology:
    "Cryptids are animals or creatures that are mentioned in folklore or other accounts, but whose actual existence is questionable." Unlike monsters or mythical creatures, which the general public believes do not exist, cryptids are the creatures many people...aren't so sure about. They're often local legends with occasional sightings, but no concrete proof of their existence. Cryptids can be found anywhere in the world. They do not have the be existing creatures! Make up your own, craft your own legends, start your own rumors.

    Editor note: I'm a sucker for a good cryptid. I love stories done in unique ways—found footage, news articles, texts, trail cams. Be creative. These cryptids don't have to be urban legends. Your story could be about the first person to encounter one. (The Redwood Bureau Phenomenon podcast captures the vibe we're looking for nicely, if you want some inspiration!)


    • wordcount: approximately 2,000 - 6,000 words.
    • contain a cryptid
    • ... yep. that's it.

    Estimated publication date for this anthology is August 2025.

    Pay rate: .02¢ per word remitted 90 business days after publication.

    Monster Anthology

    Temp Closed
    Opens on Tuesday, April 1, 2025 12:00 AM PDT (in 53 days).

    You asked for it, and we're doing it...

    Graveside Press's next themed anthology will be MONSTERS.

    What are we looking for?
    Monsters! Specifically...people who love monsters.

    Like...a lot.

    Give us your spicy monster stories, but keep in mind this is still horror; we aren't looking for sweet urban fantasy tales. Your submission should still have a heavy horror factor.


    • wordcount: approximately 2,000 - 6,000 words.
    • contain some kind of monster, creature, or cryptid from folklore, mythology, or your imagination.
    • contain some level of spice (all heat ranges accepted).
    • any character involved in adult activities must be 18+.
    • NO: non-con, r*pe, or other s*xual assault.

    Estimated publication date for this anthology is February 13th, 2026. A little ways out, but it's Friday the 13th and the day before Valentine's Day. We can't pass that up!