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Grey Hands Literary Magazine (Gold Star Program) Gold Star

Grey Hands is a literary magazine for foster youth by foster youth. We publish poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction written by youth in and out of the child welfare system. The purpose of Grey Hands is to provide a space that elevates, inspires, and encourages foster youth to share their story, in their own voice, in their own way.

Quick Links to Open Calls:

Online Magazine Submissions Free Tip Jar Option


Poetry: 3-5 poems or 5 page maximum per submission

Fiction: 1 story no more than 10 pages per submission

Non-fiction: 1 piece no more than 10 pages per submission

All submissions must be from foster youth and former foster youth/foster care alumni. We define foster youth as anyone with lived experience in the child welfare system system, such as group homes, wards of the court, foster families, etc.

Please mention your foster care background in the bio. Submissions without this information will be declined.

Summer/Fall 1 Year Contest Free Tip Jar Option


Closes on Monday, September 30, 2024 11:59 PM PDT (in 11 days)

To celebrate one year at Grey Hands, we're launching our first contest!

This contest is open to all themes and content. We will be awarding prizes for the top three submissions:

1st place: $50
2nd place: $30
3rd place: $20

In addition, winners of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes will be offered an optional interview with the magazine to be included with your publication.

Please see below for submission requirements:

Poetry: 3-5 poems or 5 page maximum per submission
Fiction: 1 story no more than 10 pages per submission
Non-fiction: 1 piece no more than 10 pages per submission

Please use either word or pdf for all submissions. We only accept submissions from foster youth and former foster youth/foster care alumni. We define foster youth as anyone with lived experience in the child welfare system, such as group homes, wards of the court, foster families, etc.