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Hedge Apple Magazine Hedge Apple: The literary magazine of Hagerstown Community College

The Hedge Apple accepts general submissions from September 1st through February 1st. Please read our guidelines before submitting here.

Quick Links to Open Calls:

Hedge Apple General Submissions Free

Closes on Saturday, February 1, 2025 11:59 PM EST (in 13 days).
  • Who can submit: We love to see work from Hagerstown Community College students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community members, but we also love showcasing work from authors and artists around the world. In other words, if you are reading this, we are interested in seeing your work!
  • Payment: Contributors will receive a complimentary print copy of their work if it is published in print. With deep apologies to our international contributors, we are unable to mail copies outside of the United States at this time.
  • No cover letter is necessary, although you are welcome to send us a few sentences of artist/author bio if you want to. If your piece is accepted, we will ask for a bio later.
  • ART SUBMISSIONS: Files?(photos, 2D art, photos of 3D art, digital art)?should be clear, professional JPEG, PNG, or TIFF files. By sending us your work, you grant us permission to publish it both online and in print, but you retain rights to publish or show it anywhere else that you wish.
  • FICTION/POETRY SUBMISSIONS: Please stay under 2000 words. Most pieces we publish are under 1000 words.
  • By submitting, you are agreeing to light editing that does not change the meaning or style. If your work is accepted for publication, you will receive a galley of your submission and be given a chance to review edits and then respond with either corrections or approval. However, nonresponse will be considered approval of minor editing changes.
  • By sending your work to be considered for publication in our magazine, you are granting us North American serial rights, which means that we will publish the work online and in print, and then the copyright will return to you. If the work is republished, we ask that the Hedge Apple be credited.
  • We do accept simultaneous submissions but not previously published pieces of poetry or fiction; please be courteous and withdraw your story/poem from consideration upon acceptance at another venue.

Hedge Apple: Labyrinth theme Free

Closes on Saturday, February 1, 2025 11:59 PM EST (in 13 days).

LABYRINTH: 2025 Theme Issue of the Hedge Apple magazine:

Enter a world where every choice leads you down a different path, where infinite possibilities abound.

Enter a place where time and space do not seem to flow as they should; rather, a place where the surreal and the strange make the laws, where every second that ticks by is another choice, another twist upon the road in the Labyrinth.

Come, take our hand through these twisting halls, and find inspiration at every turn. Let madness take hold, and submit your best works of fiction, poetry, and art. Let us see what unique choices bring you to the center of the maze.

Stories under 2000 words, Poetry, Digital and 2D Art, Sculptures, and Photography

Deadline: February 1, 2025

Submit on Duosuma: here

Learn more about the magazine and read the full submission guidelines at our website.