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Last Leaves Magazine (Gold Star Program) Gold Star

Last Leaves Magazine is open for submissions during the following periods:

  • Spring issue: December 1st through January 31st

  • Fall issue: June 1st through July 31st

Submission guidelines:

  • We do not accept AI-generated art, photography, or poetry.

  • For poetry: Please send up to 3 poems (no more than 10 pages) as a single Word (.doc or .docx) attachment. Please start each poem on a new page. All work should be single-spaced and in Times New Roman, 12-point font.

  • For art / photography: Please send up to 3 art pieces as .tiff, .jpeg, or .pdf attachments.

  • Do not include your name or contact information in the documents.

  • Submitters are welcome to send work for both categories, up to 3 pieces in each category.

  • Please include a brief 50-word bio. Include your name as you would like it to appear in the magazine, your email, and links to your website and/or social media (if desired). We will trim the bio as-needed if it exceeds the word count.

Simultaneous submissions are accepted, though please send us a message ASAP if your work is accepted elsewhere. We do not accept previously published work, but we love reading your poems on Instagram @lastleavesmag

Please only submit once per issue for each category and wait until the next reading period to submit again. We hope to respond to each submission within two months. As with most literary magazines, we’re volunteers and doing our best. We thank you in advance for your patience.

For more information on what we publish, check out our editor interviews here and here. At this time, we're unfortunately not able to pay contributors. The PDF version of our magazine will always be free to download here.

Authors published in our magazine retain full rights to their work to do with as they please following publication of the issue they're in. We simply ask for First North American Serial Rights and to be credited as first publication (i.e., "Work first appeared in Last Leaves Magazine, Issue X").

Issue 9: Feral

Temp Closed

Theme for Issue 9: Feral

In this issue we invite you to unleash the feral animal that lives within your poet heart. Show us the wild creature you’ve hidden, or the ferocious existence you wish you could live out. We want to read your untamed poetry and view your art before it has been cultivated by society. Or, you can send us poems that touch on an encounter with the feral. What beasts have you known? Have you stared into the eyes of an animal and felt that nature itself stared back? Write it down, send it our way, take us with you into the wilderness.

Submission guidelines:

  • We do not accept AI-generated art, photography, or poetry.

  • For poetry: Please send up to 5 poems (no more than 10 pages) as a single Word (.doc or .docx) attachment. Please start each poem on a new page. All work should be single-spaced and in Times New Roman, 12-point font.

  • For art / photography: Please send up to 5 art pieces as .tiff, .jpeg, or .pdf attachments.

  • Do not include your name or contact information in the documents.

  • Submitters are welcome to send work for both categories, up to 5 pieces in each category.

  • Please include a brief 50-word bio. Include your name as you would like it to appear in the magazine, your email, and links to your website and/or social media (if desired). We will trim the bio as-needed if it exceeds the word count.

Simultaneous submissions are accepted, though please send us a message ASAP if your work is accepted elsewhere. We do not accept previously published work, but we love reading your poems on Instagram @lastleavesmag.

Please only submit once per issue for each category and wait until the next reading period to submit again. We hope to respond to each submission within two months. As with most literary magazines, we’re volunteers and doing our best. We thank you in advance for your patience.

For more information on what we publish, check out our editor interviews here and here. At this time, we're unfortunately not able to pay contributors. The PDF version of our magazine will always be free to download here.

Authors published in our magazine retain full rights to their work to do with as they please following publication of the issue they're in. We simply ask for First North American Serial Rights and to be credited as first publication (i.e., "Work first appeared in Last Leaves Magazine, Issue X").