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Litbop: Art and Literature in the Groove (Gold Star Program) Gold Star

Litbop is a journal of fiction, poetry, and art. It's published once a year as a Kindle ebook and as a print-on-demand paperback.
There is currently no money to pay contributors. If your work is accepted, you will receive a PDF copy of the issue in which it appears.
There is no fee to submit, however tips to help with production costs are gratefully accepted through our submission manager DUOSUMA.
Our response time is currently up in the air. We’ll try to be quick, but we’re a fledgling publication, so be patient. Submissions will stay open until we’re swamped.

Issue 3 Art/Photography/Cartoons

Temp Closed

We love art. We want to publish art. We want art that illuminates.
Submit in .jpg format.