rainy weather days: a defiant literary magazine (Gold Star Program) Gold Star Our magazine was founded in 2024 as a "cozy" literature magazine, however, we are now in the process of transitioning to publishing resistance literature.We value artistic expression! We are looking for works that are daring, even challenging. Works should protest right-wing ideology, particularly of the far/alt-right variety. Our digital releases will come in many convenient formats as well, including e-reader formats.We plan to release digital and print versions of our magazine on a quarterly basis. We may release some free online or online-only stories on our website from time to time as well (authors will be asked beforehand for permission for an online release.)We are located in the Jackson, Mississippi greater area/Huntsville, Alabama greater area.We will open for submissions for volume 3 and 4 December 1, 2024!We pay $25 for accepted prose, $10 for accepted poetry, and $50 for accepted cover art. Authors/artists also receive digital editions of the magazine.Quota: This project has established a quota. Submissions will close when it is reached.1% Volume 4 | Volume 5 Free Tip Jar OptionOpenCloses on Thursday, March 20, 2025 11:59 PM CDT (in 42 days).Rainy Weather Days is looking for works of protest that challenge our current status quo. This can be fictional prose of any genre, poetry, or nonfiction essays. To be clear, the ideology of the work should oppose right-wing ideology, Nazism, Authoritarianism, Christian nationalism, white supremacy, etc. or uplift voices of dissent or marginalized voices.Theme for this submission period—Joy! For this period, we would like to see more works focusing on joy, particularly POC and/or queer joy. This is also an act of protest. If submitting a work on this theme, please be a part of the community you are representing in your work. (Unfortunately, at this time, we are unable to hire guest sensitivity editors. We will still be accepting other works of resistance that are not on this theme!)Our current pay rates are as follows:Prose—$25/published piecePoetry—$10/published pieceWe will start accepting submissions for Volumes 4 and 5 on February 1, 2025.Please include a cover letter! Please describe the overall meaning of the piece in your cover letter. Please also include a bio!Prose:No gratuitous sex/violence.Any genre (for fiction pieces)1 manuscript = 1 submission1,500-15,000 wordsPlease format in 12-18pt font, Times New Roman or Garamond.Format using shunn.net/format/story/.doc or .docx formats where possible, .odt otherwisefor essays, if you need citations, please follow author-date citations with a bibliography at the end. https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/chicago_manual_17th_edition/cmos_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.htmlPoetry:limit to 5 poems in a single submission, each on a separate page.doc, .docx preferred, .odt or .pdf otherwiseSubmitVolume 2Temp ClosedWe are looking for submissions of short stories of length 1,500–15,000 words as well as poetry. For volume two, we are giving special consideration for cozy horror, cozy mystery, or Halloween themes. However, we are still accepting any genre! If we fill up volume two early, we will also consider submissions for future volumes!Not Open