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The Wisdom Project The Artisanal Writer (Gold Star Program) Gold Star


WRITE your memoir with help from experienced industry professionals (writing coaches, educators and editors) from January 2025 through September 2025. Publish your completed memoir with a leading Toronto-based book house. Win a $500 grant to support your writing during the project.


Only legal Canadian citizens/ residents of > 60 years of age, with an Ontario address may apply.


  • If you have a Duotrope Account: Use the Duotrope Submission form below.
  • If you don't have a Dutrope Account: You may create a Duotrope account (it's free); but if you would rather not, please email your documents to [email protected]
  • If your current financial situation makes it impossible to pay the $25 application fee, email your documents to [email protected] requesting a fee exemption while explaining the reasons.

Memoir Writing for Ontario Seniors

Temp Closed

The Wisdom Project is a fully funded, memoir writing workshop for Ontario seniors. This Ontario Arts Council-funded project will allow you to work closely with an experienced writer to complete a memoir project right from scratch or from an outline/draft already started! Participants will be selected solely based on your writing, availability and preparedness. All winning participants (5 in total) will receive a $500 direct grant as a one-time payment designed to help your writing during the course of the project. Please apply by providing the following.

  • Statement of Interest in no more than one 1 single-spaced page that addresses the following 3 questions: 1. what makes this project important for you; 2. why do you want to participate; 3. why now? This Ontario Arts Council (OAC) funded project is open only to Ontario residents. Your statement of interest must (mandatorily) include your name, phone number; email; and physical address; these details must be provided on the document header. The document must be saved as My Statement of Interest_(Your Initials) in MS Word (.docx) or PDF before submission. Do not include any pictures or graphics.
  • Statement of Availability in a separate document (MS Word or MS Excel) providing details about your availability for this project starting in January 2025 through September 2025. Save this document as My Statement of Availability_(Your Initials) in MS Word (.docx) MS Excel or PDF. This program will be delivered virtually, so you don't need to stay in one place during the project duration. But, this project will demand your dedicated time and attention (to the tune of 10-20 hours weekly). So, if there are weeks and months where you are unable to dedicate this time, indicate that in your Availability Schedule.
  • Statement of Plan: in no more than 1000 words state your current preparedness (e.g. state if you have a memoir in the works; or if you have a draft of a memoir in progress; or a fully completed memoir awaiting publication); also state how you plan to complete the project. Save this document as My Statement of Plan_(Your Initials) in MS Word (.docx) MS Excel or PDF.

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