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Sunspot Literary Journal (Gold Star Program) Gold Star

You have attempted to access a call for submissions that is either no longer open to the public or no longer valid. Any currently open public calls will be listed below.


Sunspot Literary Journal offers an Editor's Prize of $10 for each digital edition and an Editor's Prize of $35 for the annual print edition. Artwork selected for a digital or print cover will be paid $20. Visit to download digital editions for free.

We welcome prose from flash fiction and poetry to stories and essays, including scripts and screenplays, up to 49,000 words. Genre categories are accepted along with literary works. Poetry can be up to 1,250 lines. Translations welcome. Please note the word count in your cover letter.

Please take careful note of the submission deadlines. Although the journal is open year-round, the forms that allow submission of longer works close earlier in each open call segment. Submit early to avoid missing a deadline.

One piece per submission (except flash, poetry, or art). Use the correct form according to the length of your prose and poetry. Works longer than allowed by the form you select will be declined unread.

Quick Links to Open Calls:

Flash, poetry, graphic novels, art Fee: usd $5.00

Closes on Monday, March 31, 2025 11:59 PM UTC (in 69 days).

We accept all types of prose including essays, memoir, travel, teleplays, film and stage scripts. Using this form, submit:
One or two pieces of flash fiction or nonfiction; total length of submission not to exceed 1,000 words


Up to three poems, with each poem starting on a new page; total submission not to exceed three pages


A graphic novel of 1 to 4 pages


Artwork; total of two images
In your cover letter, please indicate length and whether the piece is fiction, nonfiction, or poetry.

Please do not mix submission formats (for example, provide one poem and one flash piece as a single entry). Mixed submissions will be rejected without review.

Note that submissions that do not meet the guidelines will be declined without review.

Do feel free to submit in separate categories by using the same form any number of times.

Geminga: $100 for Authors/Artists Fee: usd $5.00

Closes on Friday, January 31, 2025 11:59 PM UTC (in 10 days).

Geminga is a neutron star so small it was difficult to detect. It was named, in part, for a transcription of gh’è minga, meaning “it’s not there.”

With Geminga: $100 for Tiny Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, or Art, Sunspot Lit honors the power of the small. No restrictions on theme or category. Word limit is 100 for fiction and nonfiction. Micropoetry is limited to 140 characters. Graphic novels should be 4 pages or less.

Titles are not included in the word count. Compound words separated by hyphens, numbers, and letters of the alphabet are counted as a single word. In the micropoetry category, characters include spaces, punctuation, numbers, and letters of the alphabet. Visual art entries should be paintings, drawings, or sketches no larger than 25 inches square. Sculptural forms should be no larger than 25 inches in any dimension (length, height, or width).

Open: Every year on January 1

Close: Every year on January 31

Entry fee: $5

Prize: $100 cash, publication for the winner, publication offered to runners-up and finalists.

All fees are final and nonrefundable. Revised entries can be made by withdrawing the original entry and resubmitting, paying a new fee for the new submission.

Sunspot asks for first rights only; all rights revert to the contributor after publication. Works, along with the creators’ bylines, are published in the next quarterly digital edition an average of two months after contest completion, as well as in the annual fall print edition.

Works should be unpublished except on a personal blog or website. Artists offered publication may display their pieces in galleries, festivals or shows throughout the publication contract period.

Enter as many times as you like, but only one piece per submission. Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please withdraw your piece if it is published elsewhere before the winner is selected.

Long form fiction, CNF, poetry, graphic novel Fee: usd $8.00

Closes on Monday, March 17, 2025 11:59 PM UTC (in 55 days).

Single works of fiction or nonfiction, including scripts and screenplays, between 3,501 and 7,500 words can be submitted here.

Graphic novels should run 5 to 17 pages.

A single poem of 4 to 10 pages is accepted here.

Please do not mix formats (for example, submitting a graphic novel and a poem in the same file). Also note that collections are not accepted in this open call.

Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be declined without review.

Novelette length fiction, CNF, graphic novel Fee: usd $14.00

Closes on Saturday, February 15, 2025 11:59 PM UTC (in 25 days).

Single works of fiction or nonfiction, including scripts and screenplays, from 17,501 to 29,000 words should be submitted using this form. Graphic novels should run 25 to 50 pages. A single poem between 16 and 20 pages is also accepted. Story, essay, and poetry collections are not accepted in this category. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be declined without review.

Novella-length fiction, CNF, or graphic novel Fee: usd $25.00

Closes on Friday, January 31, 2025 11:59 PM UTC (in 10 days).

Single works of fiction or nonfiction, including scripts and screenplays, from 29,001 to 49,000 words should be submitted using this form.

Graphic novels should run between 51 and 100 pages.

A single poem between 86 and 105 pages is also accepted.

Story, essay, and poetry collections are not accepted in this category.

Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be declined without review.

Short stories, nonfiction Fee: usd $6.50

Closes on Monday, March 24, 2025 11:59 PM UTC (in 62 days).

We accept all types of fiction and nonfiction including essays, memoir, travel, teleplays, film and stage scripts. Using this form, submit a single work of fiction or nonfiction, no longer than 3,500 words. In your cover letter, please indicate length and whether the piece is fiction, nonfiction, or poetry.
Note that submissions that do not meet the guidelines will be declined without review.
Do feel free to submit in separate categories by using the same form any number of times.

Supernova: very long fiction, CNF, graphic novel Fee: usd $10.00

Closes on Friday, February 28, 2025 11:59 PM UTC (in 38 days).

Single works of fiction or nonfiction, including scripts and screenplays, from 7,501 words up to 17,500 words should be submitted using this form.

Graphic novels should be 18 to 24 pages.

A single poem between 11 and 15 pages is also accepted.

Collections are not accepted for this open call.

Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be declined without review.

Goldilocks Zone 2023: $100 for Authors/Artists

Temp Closed
Opens on Tuesday, April 1, 2025 12:00 AM UTC (in 69 days).

Authors & Artists Eligible
The Goldilocks Zone appears wherever conditions make a planet habitable. Sunspot Lit seeks a short story, flash piece, book-length excerpt, artwork, graphic novel, or poem that combines excellence in craft with reader or audience appeal, and thus falls into the Goldilocks Zone. Literary and genre works accepted.
First prize is $100 plus publication. Runners-up and finalists are offered publication. No restrictions on theme or category. Maximum of 2,500 words for short stories or nonfiction, 24 lines for poetry, and 8 pages for graphic novels. No size requirements for painting, photography, video stills or sculpture, although each entry is limited to one image.

Open: Every year on April 1
Close: Every year on April 30
Contest entry fee: $5
Prize: $100 cash and publication for the winner; publication offered to runners-up and finalists.

All fees are final and nonrefundable. Revised entries can be made by withdrawing the original entry and resubmitting, paying a new fee for the new submission. Sunspot asks for first rights only; all rights revert to the contributor after publication. Works, along with the creators’ bylines, are published in the next quarterly digital edition an average of two months after contest completion, as well as in the annual print edition. Works should be unpublished except on a personal blog or website. Artists offered publication may display their pieces in galleries, festivals or shows throughout the publication contract period.

Enter as many times as you like, but only one piece per submission. Simultaneous submissions are accepted. Please withdraw your piece if it is published elsewhere before the winner is selected.

Inception: $100 for Best Opening Prose/Art

Temp Closed
Opens on Saturday, March 1, 2025 12:00 AM UTC (in 38 days).

Authors & Artists Eligible

Beginnings have the power to spark passion or curiosity. They might immediately connect a specific place and time with an emotional tone. The best openings offer a feeling, atmosphere, action, or image that is gripping, and hints at more to come. Meaning, thoughtfulness, emotions, or tone draw audiences into the moment.

A poem handles this differently than a flash piece, which handles an opening differently than a novel. The first photo, painting or frame presented in a gallery, series, or graphic novel strives for the same intent. Openings contain a spark that promises to burn.

For Sunspot Lit’s Inception contest, send your best opening. There are no restrictions on theme, category, or the length of the piece or collection from which the excerpt comes. Word limit is 250 for prose, 25 words for poetry.

Graphic novel and comic book entries should be the first page (unlimited number of panels on that page) with a maximum of 250 words (cut the number of panels in order to meet the word count, if needed).

Visual art entries should be the first in a series, the first in a gallery lineup, the first in a themed collection, etc. Entries are limited to one image.

Open: Every year on March 1

Close: Every year on March 31

Entry fee: $5

Prize: $100 cash plus publication for the winner.

All fees are final and nonrefundable. Revised entries can be made by withdrawing the original entry and resubmitting, paying a new fee for the new submission.

Publication will be offered to runners-up and finalists. Sunspot asks for first rights only; all rights revert to the contributor after publication. Works, along with the creators’ bylines, are published in the next quarterly digital edition an average of two months after contest completion as well as the annual fall print edition.

Works should be unpublished except on a personal blog or website. Artists offered publication may display their pieces in galleries, festivals or shows throughout the publication contract period.

Enter as many times as you like, but only one piece per submission. Submission files that contain multiple pieces will be disqualified without review. Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please withdraw your piece if it is published elsewhere before the winner is selected.

Rigel: $100 for Authors/Artists

Temp Closed
Opens on Saturday, February 1, 2025 12:00 AM UTC (in 10 days).

Authors and Artists Eligible

Rigel is the brightest star in the Orion constellation. Sunspot Lit is looking for the single short story, novel, novella, artwork, graphic novel, or poem that outshines all the rest. Literary or genre works accepted; the only requirement is quality.

Rigel offers $100 plus publication to the winner, and offers publication to select finalists. No restrictions on theme or category. The length for prose is restricted to a maximum of 1,500 words for short stories, or 14 lines for poetry, and 6 pages for graphic novels. Excerpts from longer works are eligible. An excerpt selected as the winner or as a finalist will be offered publication only for the submitted sample.

Titles do not count toward the limit for any prose piece. Epigraphs are included in the word count for works of prose. Artwork should consist of a single piece.

Open: Every year on February 1

Close: Every year on February 29

Entry fee: $5

Prize: $100 cash and publication for the winner; publication offered to runners-up and finalists.

All fees are final and nonrefundable. Revised entries can be made by withdrawing the original entry and resubmitting, paying a new fee for the new submission.

Sunspot asks for first rights only; all rights revert to the contributor after publication. Works, along with the creators’ bylines, are published in the next quarterly digital edition an average of two months after contest completion, as well as in the annual print edition. Works should be unpublished except on a personal blog or website. Artists offered publication may display their pieces in galleries, festivals or shows throughout the publication contract period.

Enter as many times as you like, but only one piece per submission. Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please withdraw your piece if it is published elsewhere before the winner is selected.

Solar Flare: $100 for Authors/Artists

Temp Closed
Opens on Thursday, May 1, 2025 12:00 AM UTC (in 99 days).

Authors & Artists Eligible

A solar flare is short-lived but has a huge amount of energy. Sunspot Lit is looking for the single short story, novel or novella excerpt, artwork, graphic novel, or poem that provides a noteworthy flare of creative energy. Literary or genre works accepted.

First prize is $100 plus publication. Runners-up and finalists are offered publication. No restrictions on theme or category.

Maximum of 500 words for short stories or nonfiction, 12 lines for poetry, and 8 pages for graphic novels, scripts, or screenplays. No size requirements for painting, photography, video stills or sculpture, although each entry is limited to one image.

Open: Every year on May 1

Close: Every year on May 31

Entry fee: $5

Prize: $100 cash and publication for the winner; publication offered to runners-up and finalists.

All fees are final and nonrefundable. Revised entries can be made by withdrawing the original entry and resubmitting, paying a new fee for the new submission.

Sunspot asks for first rights only; all rights revert to the contributor after publication. Works, along with the creators’ bylines, are published in the next quarterly digital edition an average of two months after contest completion, as well as in the annual print edition.

Works should be unpublished except on a personal blog or website. Artists offered publication may display their pieces in galleries, festivals or shows throughout the publication contract period.

Enter as many times as you like, but only one piece per submission. Simultaneous submissions are accepted. Please withdraw your piece if it is published elsewhere before the winner is selected.