Guide to Team Management Quick Links: Basics | Team Member Settings | Bulk Actions | Team Activity Report Team Basics How do I manage my team? The Manage Your Team page is where you can see lists of your active team members (and pending or inactive team members, if applicable), and also where you can manage the settings for each member of your team. To access this page, you must be the Account Owner or have "Manage Team" privileges. How many members can a Duosuma team have? As many as you need. We recommend adding everyone who will read or review submissions, as well as anyone who may need access to billing details. The size of your team has no impact on billing. Can personal accounts/login credentials be shared? No. Each member of the team needs their own personal Duotrope account. The sharing of login information or Duotrope accounts is against our Terms of Use. How do I add members to my team? The person who created the account will automatically be added as a member of the team. As the "owner" of the account, they will have full rights and privileges, which cannot be revoked. To add someone who isn't in your Active, Pending, or Inactive Members lists, start by clicking I need to add someone who's not listed below. You'll need a valid email address for the person. After you have filled in their settings, they will be emailed a invitation to join the team. They will be prompted to log in if they already have a Duotrope account or to create an account if they don't have one, and then they must agree to join the team. Do team members need to have Duotrope accounts? Do they need to pay for subscriptions? To join the team, each member must have a Duotrope account in good standing (not banned or permanently deleted at the person's request). If they already have a personal Duotrope account, they should log in using that. If they don't, they will be prompted to create one as the first step in joining the team.However, they do not need to purchase a Duotrope subscription. They will still be able access everything they need to as a member of the team. If they want a Duotrope subscription their personal use (writers' resources and submission tracking), that's allowed, of course. Important Notes about Login Credentials:Each person may have only one Duotrope login. Having more than one account per person is against our Terms of Use. However, a single Duotrope personal account/login can be used for both Duotrope's features for writers and for Duosuma's features for members of an editorial team (even multiple teams). Duotrope logins are not transferable and may not be shared. If you need to transfer ownership of the Duosuma account to a different person, the current owner can do that on the Team page. (See below.) If someone on your team has a bad email address, instead of deactivating them from the team and sending a new invitation, please simply have them update their email address in their Profile. How can I transfer ownership of the account to someone else? The current owner of the account can do this from the Manage Team page. Use the I need to transfer ownership of the account option, and fill in the short form. You will need to select a member of the team who will be taking over. If you have not already added them as a member of a team, you need to do that first.The new owner will need to agree to the Terms of Service. To protect the previous owner's financial information, all credit cards associated with the account will be removed, so the new owner will need to update that information to keep the account in good standing. If the account is linked to a Stripe account (for charging fees and collecting tips), you will have the option to keep or remove that association when the ownership is transferred. If it is removed, the new owner will need to start that process over. Team Member Settings Basic Information Member Email/Name: If the person has already joined the team, this will display the name that's on their Duotrope account. If they haven't yet joined the team, this is the name and email address for the invitation. Account Status: The options are: Active, On Leave, or Inactive. "On Leave" is for temporary absences; they will not be assigned new submissions while on leave, but they will still be able to access the account. "Inactive" prevents access to the account altogether. (Note that Account Status cannot be changed for account owners. That is intentional, so that you can't accidentally block administrative access to the account.) Account Level: Any (non-owner) member of the team can be set as: Reader, Reviewer, Editor, or Manager. These are primarily presets (exceptions noted below). You will still be able change account abilities on an individual basis. Also, if you don't provide a Job Title, the Account Level will be used instead as the team member's title.Owner is a special setting. There is only one Owner per account, and that person will have all rights and privileges. (If you need to change the Owner on the account, the current owner can do that on the Team page.)Note: Only people at Owner, Manager, or Editor level can respond to submissions that aren't assigned to them and can change the Project, Call, and/or Type, on a submission. Also, they are the only people who can manually change the Status of a pending submission without contacting the submitter. Job Title: Enter the team member's job title (e.g., Editor-in-chief, Managing editor, Reader, etc.). If you use the Job Title substitution in your Response Templates, the title may appear in emails to submitters. Work Email: If you have created separate email addresses for your team members (eg: [email protected]), then enter that here, and all submission-related emails will be sent to that address instead of their personal address. Otherwise, leave this blank, and we will use the email address associated with their Duotrope account. Account Abilities Important Note: All account levels can read/review submissions assigned to them, even if no boxes are checked in this section. Some members of your team, such as readers, may have no boxes checked. Manage Account: If checked, this person will be able to change global settings for the Duosuma account. Manage Billing: If checked, this person will be able to manage everything related to billing, as well as submission fee and tip jar settings. Only people with this account ability will be able to see the current Credit balance, invoices, receipts, and other billing details. Manage Team: If checked, this person will be able to add members to the team and change settings on any member (except for the locked settings on the account owner). Members of the team without this ability will only be able to change a few settings on their own account: their Notification settings and their Send-to-Kindle Address. Manage Projects & Calls: If checked, this person will have full control over adding, removing, and updating Projects, Calls for Submissions, and Submission Periods. Manage Templates, Custom Questions, and Tags: If checked, this person will be able to add, remove, and modify Response Templates. Also, this person will be able to add, remove, and modify Custom Questions. Finally, if the account has Enabled Tags, this person will be able to add, remove, and modify Tags. Can View All Submissions: If checked, this person will be able to see all submissions, including those assigned to other people, unassigned submissions, and completed submissions. If this is not checked, they will only be able to access pending submissions that are assigned to them. Can See Others' Ratings and Reviews at any time: If checked, this person will be able to see the ratings and reviews for a submission left by other members of the team, even if they haven't yet reviewed the submission themselves. If you want to ensure impartial review, leave this unchecked (but consider adding the permission below). Can See Others' Ratings and Reviews ONLY after they have reviewed the submissions: If you want a team member to be able to see others' ratings and reviews but only after they have themselves reviewed the submission, check this box. Can See Submitters' Address Information: If checked, this person will be able to see the contact information provided for any non-anonymous submission. (Remember that you are not allowed to share or sell submitters' contact information, and you cannot add them to a mailing listing without their explicit permission.) Can Reveal identity: This setting only applies to anonymous submissions. If checked, this person will be able to reveal the identity of an anonymous submission. (It won't be revealed automatically, but they will have the option to do so.) Can Decline: If checked, this person will be able to decline submissions. Can Accept: If checked, this person will be able to accept submissions (or some pieces in a submission). Can Update: If checked, this person will be able to send updates on submissions (such as shortlist notices) and will also be able to request new files. Can See Communications: If checked, this person will be able to see the full communication history for a submission (except for anonymous submissions, which may have details redacted to protect the identity of the submitter). Can See Fees/Tip: If checked, this person will be able to see whether the submitter paid a fee or tip. If you want to ensure impartial review, leave this unchecked for those who do not need to see the whether a fee/tip was paid. (Note: This is only an option for accounts that are set up to receive fees and tips.) Can Add Submissions: If checked, the person will be able to manually add submissions sent through outside channels (such as email, postal mail, or other submission managers) at a cost of 1 credit per submission. Assignment Settings Assignment Pool: This will only be an option if the account is set up to automatically assign submissions. (For more information, please read our in-depth guide to Submission Assignment.) If checked, this person will automatically be assigned submissions, based on the two settings below: Assign to Categories: Select which categories of submissions this person should receive from: Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, Drama, Visual Art, and Multimedia. (All options will be shown. You can ignore any that don't apply to your projects. Keeping those selected will not do any harm and may actually help if you decide to accept them in the future.) Translations: If Translations have been turned on in Account Settings, then you can set the following: This person can be assigned translations (default) This person should ONLY be assigned translations This person should NOT be assigned translations Assign to Projects: You can either use the option to assign the person to All Projects (current and future) or you can select the specific project(s) for this person. (If you are using the later option and you haven't set up your projects yet, you should do that first.) Important Note: In order to be assigned submissions automatically, both Assign to Categories and Assign to Projects must have selections. Notification Settings Notification: Indicate how often this person should be notified via email about important submission activity (such as recently assigned submissions). The options are: Daily Digest Email* (one email per day with a summary of submission activity), Weekly Digest* (one email per week with a summary of submission activity), Hourly Digest* (if there's been recent submission activity, then at most one email per hour; if there's been no recent activity, then at most one email per day), or Do not email (not recommended unless they visit the Duosuma Control Panel regularly). * Note: Digest emails will not begin until your first submission call is live and open to submissions. If you only have "Internal Testing Only" calls, the digest emails won't be sent. Also, you can select whether the person should be notified of important new features, changes, and bug fixes using the Changelog setting, which is highly recommended for everyone at Editor level and above. If the account is set up with a Response Target and/or Assignment Threshold and the person is at Editor level or above, they can receive a Late/Overdue Report* which details submissions that are past the Response Target (Late Responses) and/or team members who have submissions that are past the Assignment Threshold (Overdue Assignments). We recommend setting this when it's available, so they can have a good overview of submissions and team members that may need attention.* Note: The Late/Overdue Report should not be confused with Reminders, which are set in Account Settings. Reminders are for individual team members and only cover their own overdue and soon-to-be overdue assignments. The Late/Overdue report covers all submissions and all members of the team, so only people at a supervisory level should receive it. Finally, you should be aware that this team member will also be able to edit the Notification settings on their own account. Bulk Actions If you have more than one member on your active team, on the Active Team Member list, you have the following bulk action options that can be applied to multiple team members at once: Set selected to On leave/Vacation. (Cannot be set on owner. If the current owner needs to go on leave, first transfer ownership.) Set selected to Inactive. (Cannot be set on owner. If the current owner needs to have access removed, first transfer ownership.) Add selected to: Assignment Pool (if your account is set up to use automatic assignment) All Categories A specific Category (Drama, Fiction, Nonfiction, Multimedia, Poetry, Visual Art) All Projects (current and future) A specific Project For accounts set up for Automatic Assignment of submissions (Load Balancing, Round Robin, or Random), keep in mind that to be eligible to be assigned submissions, each person also needs to be assigned to the Projects and Categories (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, etc.) relevant to them. (For more information, please read our in-depth guide to Submission Assignment.) On the Pending Team Member list, you have the options to: Resend the invitation emailDelete the invitation On the Inactive Member list, you have the option to set selected to Active status. Team Activity Report The Team Activity Report, which is linked to from the main Team Management page, shows a list of your Team Members and the following statistics for each member: The date they were last active in the Duosuma system The number of submissions they've been assigned (this includes both automatic and manual assignments) The number of those submissions they've completed Their completion percentage The average number of days it has taken them from assignment to completion Their average rating (if your account uses a Rating System) The number of submissions they have pending The average number of days those submissions have been pending At the top of the report, you can set the Time Frame for the report and the Sort By field. Go to the Duosuma Home Page. See more Documentation. Have any questions about this? Ask us.