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Merrilee Heifetz

When this agent was listed with us, the agent was affiliated with Writers House LLC. This may or may not still be the case.

This agent does not qualify for a listing with Duotrope. Submission details and statistics for this agent are not available through our site.
Reason: Agent's bio is not available from the agency's website. (September 2019)
About our Listing Criteria
Just as literary agents have guidelines for submission, so too does Duotrope have Criteria for Listings for any agent to be included in our listings. Among other things, these requirements are necessary to ensure that we can keep our listings as timely and accurate as possible. Learn more about our procedures for keeping our listings up to date.
Reinstatement: If you believe this agent currently meets our listing criteria, please contact us to request that the listing be reinstated.


Last Updated: 27 September 2019
Date Added: 17 January 2018