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The Agency

About this Agency

An agency is only as good as its clients and our clients’ reputations speak for themselves. We represent all manner of writers and directors working in drama across film, television and theatre; from those at the peak of their careers to those at the very beginning. That range is reflected in the company too: the agents here are as varied in their taste as they are in age and experience. We work with other successful book agencies representing their media rights and we ourselves have a bespoke children’s literary department. Our support team is the best, with a strong legal department and a meticulous accounts division. What binds us all is our enthusiasm for our clients, great drama and the deal-making that facilitates it.

Country: United Kingdom

This agency has the following active literary agents:

The following agent was previously affiliated with the agency:
Note: This may not be a complete list. Any former agents who have changed agencies will now be listed under their current agencies.