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Space and Time Space and Time Magazine (Gold Star Program) Gold Star

Space and Time magazine is a speculative fiction magazine founded in 1966 by Gordon Linzner. Not only is it the oldest continuously published semi-pro magazine still in print for speculative fiction, Space and Time magazine continues to carry on that legacy today in the science fiction, fantasy and horror genres. Readers will discover rising stars alongside industry staples like Jonathan Maberry, Alessandro Manzetti, Jessica A. Salmonson, Norman Spinrad, Jack Ketchum, and Aliette de Bodard.

There will be updates on submissions in the weekly newsletter here.

FICTION for #149 Fall/Winter Issue

Temp Closed
Opens on Tuesday, July 15, 2025 12:00 AM Bahia Standard Time (in 158 days).

There will be updates on submissions in the weekly newsletter here.

Submissions accepted in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French or Italian.

We seek: Broken boundaries, blown minds and new horizons. Science fiction, fantasy, horror, steampunk, magical realism—we look for work with a speculative element. Creative hybrids welcome. If you can combine horror, science fiction and fantasy into one compelling plot, you’ve caught our attention. If your story has the power to shake some perspectives, we are interested.

You send: We prefer stories up to 5,000 words submitted in standard Shunn electronic manuscript format. All fiction submissions are to be sent electronically. Please include complete contact details on the document. Simultaneous submissions welcome, please notify us if your work was accepted elsewhere and withdraw your submission on Duotrope.

We pay: Payment of a penny-per-word is made via Paypal upon acceptance for fiction, plus a digital contributor copy. We buy first print, electronic and audio rights. After a work is published, rights immediately revert to the author.

All payments will be through PayPal. While other modes of payment can be considered for countries where PayPal does not operate, it is the entrants’ responsibility to check that there is a viable payment method from the United States to their country of residence.

Submissions are open January 15-31 & July 15-31 of each calendar year.

Submit your work through Duotrope’s Duosuma Submissions Manager. For more information, visit or

POETRY for #149 Fall/Winter Issue

Temp Closed
Opens on Tuesday, July 15, 2025 12:00 AM Bahia Standard Time (in 158 days).

There will be updates on submissions in the weekly newsletter here.

Submissions accepted in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French or Italian.

We seek: Broken boundaries, blown minds and new horizons. Science fiction, fantasy, horror, steampunk, magical realism—we look for poetry with a speculative element. Creative hybrids welcome. If you can combine horror, science fiction and fantasy into one compelling poem, you’ve caught our attention. If your poem has the power to shake some perspectives, we are interested.

You send: There is no page requirement, but your submission must be no more than three poems. Please submit all your poems in ONE document. Please begin each poem on a new page and include each poem’s individual title.not to exceed 40 lines. Please limit poetry submissions to three poems and include complete contact details on the document.

We pay: Payment of $5 per poem is made via PayPal upon acceptance, plus a digital contributor copy. We buy first print, electronic and audio rights. After a work is published, rights immediately revert to the author.

All payments will be through PayPal. While other modes of payment can be considered for countries where PayPal does not operate, it is the entrants’ responsibility to check that there is a viable payment method from the United States to their country of residence.

Submissions are open January 15-31 & July 15-31 of each calendar year.

Payment & Rights: Payment via PayPal + digital contributor copy. Submit your work through Duotrope’s Duosuma Submissions Manager. For more information, visit or

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