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The Viney Shaw Agency

About this Agency

We represent a diverse range of authors primarily handling their book deals with publishers and also providing a full range of services including selling film and TV options to broadcasters and production companies. Many of our authors come to us as debut writers and we are actively committed to talent spotting and developing new careers. Another distinction of The Viney Shaw Agency is taking on writers who may be in mid-career and bringing them to a new level of attention and income. We are always looking for outstanding writing and writers. The Viney Shaw Agency is one of the UK’s most successful independent agencies and typically ranked in the top fifty of all British and American literary agencies according to the ‘Top Dealmakers’ analysis of contracted deals over the last twelve months in Publisher’s Marketplace, the global register for deals in the publishing business. The Viney Shaw Agency represents more than a hundred and twenty authors across a wide variety of genres including adult and children's fiction writers, biographers, historians, journalists and comedians. Our website provides a full list of our published authors. Viney Shaw Agency clients mostly write in English and are based in several countries, the majority in the United Kingdom.

Country: United KingdomEstablished in: 2008

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