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List By Index: Starts with O

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The list of all journals, magazines, anthologies, contests, agents, and presses that begin with the letter o. 200 results found. Learn more.

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Here is a small, random sampling of the full list:
Note that some of these listings may be marked as: BELIEVED DEFUNCT, CLOSED (permanently closed to submissions), TEMP CLOSED (temporarily closed to submissions), FLEDGLING (new listing with limited publication history), OPTED OUT (the editor/agent does not wish to participate in Duotrope), REMOVED, DNQ (does not qualify for a listing).

Top Results (based on number of people reporting submissions in the past 12 months)

One Story (Note: We list other projects with similar titles.) TEMP CLOSED Fiction
Okay Donkey Magazine Fiction Poetry
Orca: A Literary Journal [55 Fathoms Publishing] Charges fees for some submissions Fiction Nonfiction Poetry
Only Poems Charges fees for all submissions Poetry
ONE ART: a journal of poetry Poetry
The Offing: A Literary Magazine Fiction Nonfiction Poetry Visual Art
The Orison Prizes in Poetry & Fiction [Orison Books] TEMP CLOSED Charges fees for all submissions Fiction Poetry
Orion's Belt Fiction Poetry Visual Art
The Orison Chapbook Prize [Orison Books] Charges fees for all submissions Fiction Nonfiction Poetry
On The Seawall Fiction Nonfiction Poetry Visual Art
Orange Blossom Review TEMP CLOSED Fiction Nonfiction Poetry Visual Art
The Orchards Poetry Journal TEMP CLOSED Poetry

All Results

O Sweet Flowery Roses ON HIATUS
O'Connor, Kevin [O'Connor Literary Agency] (Note: We list other projects with similar titles.) Fiction Nonfiction
Off Limits Press TEMP CLOSED Fiction
O'Keeffe, Sara [Aevitas Creative Management] TEMP CLOSED Fiction
On the Premises Fiction
One Wild Ride TEMP CLOSED Fiction Nonfiction
Orbis Litterarum (Note: We list other projects with similar titles.) Nonfiction
Orion's Belt Fiction Poetry Visual Art
Osmosis Press Featured Writing Blog [Osmosis Press] Fiction Nonfiction Poetry Visual Art
Otis Nebula Zine Fiction Nonfiction Poetry Visual Art
Outside Nonfiction Visual Art
Oxford American Magazine (Note: We list other projects with similar titles.) TEMP CLOSED Charges fees for all submissions Fiction Nonfiction