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Andrea Brown

The last time the agent had an active listing on Duotrope, the agent was affiliated with Andrea Brown Literary Agency (see other agents at this agency).

Do not submit here! Permanently Closed: This agent is no longer accepting queries (April 2020). We provide the following information as an archive.


Andrea Brown is the President of the Andrea Brown Literary Agency, Inc. Founded in New York City in 1981, it was the first literary agency to represent both children's book authors and illustrators. Prior to opening her own firm, Andrea was an editor at Alfred A. Knopf, and worked in the editorial departments of Random House and Dell. In 1990, she moved her literary agency to Northern California. Andrea has published articles and published a chapter about the children's book field in The Portable Writer's Conference, published by Quill Driver Books. She has been quoted in the New York Post,, Yahoo News, Forbes, Good Housekeeping and Reuters News Service. President of the San Francisco chapter of the Women's National Book Association for four years, she was the National Pannell Award Chair that gives awards to booksellers at the Book Expo Association. Andrea has also had her own cable television show in New York City, An Afternoon with Children's Books, and has appeared on C-SPAN'S Book Notes, and public television's Authors and Critics. She is the Executive Director of the Big Sur Writing Workshops for children's books, held annually in December. Andrea speaks at many writer's conferences including the Singapore Book Council, Maui Writers Conference, Asilomar, San Diego State University, UCLA, Stanford University, Palm Springs Writers Conference, Southwest Writers Conference, Pikes Peak Writers Conference, Texas Writer's League, the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators conferences, and she is Associate faculty at the Pacific Northwest MFA program in Whidbey Island.

This agent may not respond to all queries. After waiting 60 days, assume your submission will not be accepted.

Country & Professional Associations

United States Member of AALA

Fiction Closed



General General
Novel Novel

Open to all/most Styles, including: Literary, Mainstream.


Open to all/most Topics.


Method: Electronic submissions.
Simultaneous submissions: Simultaneous submissions are allowed.

Nonfiction Closed



Book Book

Open to all/most Styles, including: Literary, Mainstream.


Open to all/most Topics.


Method: Electronic submissions.
Simultaneous submissions: Simultaneous submissions are allowed.

Always check guidelines for details and restrictions. If you aren't familiar with these terms, see our glossary.

Andrea Brown Submission Statistics — Free Preview!

The statistics in this section are compiled from submission reports sent to us through our submission tracker. They are not provided by the agency or by Duotrope's admins. Information in this section is updated a few times per day. Learn more about the statistics.
AccuracyWe have not received any complete reports within the past 12 months.

Other Information

The agent will try to make a decision within 60 days.
This agent may not respond to all queries. After waiting the time indicated above, assume your submission will not be accepted.

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Last Updated: 03 Jun 2021
Date Added: 16 Apr 2018

Before Submitting

We cannot guarantee that the information on this page is correct. We do our best to keep up, but it isn't always possible. Duotrope listings do not imply endorsement or recommendation of the agent or agency being listed. Before submitting, you should use your own judgment to determine whether the agent/agency meets your standards.

  • Always read the full guidelines provided by the agency/agent.
  • Unless the agency's guidelines state otherwise, always use industry standard manuscript formatting.
  • For agency submissions, it is standard to submit a query letter and sample instead of the full manuscript. Do this unless otherwise instructed.
  • Be professional, patient, and persistent.