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Chelsey Emmelhainz

An agent with Copps Literary Services, LLC (see other agents at this agency).


15 members set this agent as a Favorite.

Chelsey Emmelhainz joined Copps Literary Services in 2021 after a decade as an editor of upmarket fiction and nonfiction. Upon graduating from the Denver Publishing Institute, she got her start at HarperCollins with William Morrow and Avon Books. She was most recently a senior editor at Crooked Lane Books. As an editor, Chelsey worked on projects that cross the literary landscape: from Amish romance to upmarket thrillers and everything in between. Yet her true passion lies in helping authors refine their narratives to create compelling stories and advocating on their behalf. An editorial agent, she works tirelessly with authors to polish their work into commercial projects aimed at catching the eye of editors and publishers. Chelsey is building a highly selective list, focused mainly on adult fiction and nonfiction. Regardless of genre, she is always looking for authentic storytelling and to elevate diverse voices.


United States

Fiction Temp Closed

Chelsey loves high-concept adult fiction that expertly weaves complex, layered conflicts into a fast-paced narrative. She wants to see what your characters do when pushed to their limits. Her target genres include: horror, supernatural thriller, suspense, mystery, and historical fiction. Her ideal commercial fiction and romance projects feature fresh, high-concept hooks and multifaceted, layered conflicts. She is especially interested in unique takes on modern relationships—be they romantic, platonic, or familial.


Open to a broad Audience, including: Adults.

General GeneralSubgenre: Women's Fiction.
Fantasy FantasyOpen to all/most Subgenres, including: Magic Realism.
Horror HorrorOpen to all/most Subgenres, including: Magic Realism.
Romance RomanceOpen to all/most Subgenres.
Suspense/Thriller Suspense/ThrillerOpen to all/most Subgenres, including: Domestic Thriller, Psychological.
Novel Novel

Open to all/most Styles, including: Literary, Mainstream.


Open to all/most Topics.


Method: QueryManager.
Simultaneous submissions: Simultaneous submissions are allowed.

Nonfiction Temp Closed

While drawn to adult narrative nonfiction that features strong storytelling and author voice, Chelsey is ultimately seeking projects that aim to entertain while they educate. She gravitates toward American history, hidden history, true crime, platform-driven nonfiction in the social sciences (especially concerning politics, feminism, and social justice), as well as deep dives into specific subjects with a prescriptive approach, aiming to help the reader live a better life, such as Johann Hari’s Stolen Focus. Regardless of topic, Chelsey’s nonfiction authors bring a well-rounded platform and unparalleled expertise to their chosen subject matter.


Open to a broad Audience, including: Adults.

Book Book

Open to all/most Styles, including: Literary, Mainstream, Personal.


Open to all/most Topics, including: History, Memoir (See guidelines), Society/Culture (Crime).


Method: QueryManager.
Simultaneous submissions: Simultaneous submissions are allowed.

Always check guidelines for details and restrictions. If you aren't familiar with these terms, see our glossary.

Chelsey Emmelhainz Submission Statistics — Free Preview!

The statistics in this section are compiled from submission reports sent to us through our submission tracker. They are not provided by the agency or by Duotrope's admins. Information in this section is updated a few times per day. Learn more about the statistics.
AccuracyWe have received 1 report within the past 12 months. The more responses reported, the more accurate the information.

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Most recent response reported was received on 22 Oct 2023.
Responses have been received for submissions sent as recently as 10 Mar 2023.

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Last Updated: 23 May 2024
Last Audited: 24 Mar 2024. (We audit each active listing twice a year. Learn more at link.)
Date Added: 29 Mar 2021

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  • Always read the full guidelines provided by the agency/agent.
  • Unless the agency's guidelines state otherwise, always use industry standard manuscript formatting.
  • For agency submissions, it is standard to submit a query letter and sample instead of the full manuscript. Do this unless otherwise instructed.
  • Be professional, patient, and persistent.