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Jenny Stephens

An agent with Sterling Lord Literistic, Inc. (see other agents at this agency).


3 members set this agent as a Favorite.

Jenny represents nonfiction in a variety of categories including cookbooks; practical lifestyle projects; prescriptive books particularly in the wellness and mindfulness spaces; and narrative writing on environmental, social, and economic justice; natural sciences; history; food; and cultural criticism. For both adults and kids, she is often drawn to visual books that inform and explore through both text and image. Her clients include Ariel Aberg-Riger, Andrea Bemis, Khiara Bridges, Paco de Leon, Mary L. Gray, Debbie Hines, John Holl, Alicia Kennedy, Gina Rae La Cerva, Chelsey Luger and Thosh Collins, Olivia McGiff and Sammi Katz, Desmond Patton, Nicole Stott, and Wei Tchou. In addition, Jenny is honored to represent select literary estates on behalf of the agency, including the estate of National Book Award winning author Gloria Naylor and the estate of novelist Ken Kesey. Jenny grew up in Maine and studied English and film at Colby College. She joined Sterling Lord Literistic, Inc. in 2012.

This agent may not respond to all queries. After waiting a reasonable amount of time, assume your submission will not be accepted.

Country & Year Established

United States Agent since 2012

Fiction Open


Open to a broad Audience.

General General
Novel Novel

Open to all/most Styles, including: Literary.


Open to all/most Topics, including: Society/Culture (See guidelines).


Method: Online form.
Simultaneous submissions: Simultaneous submissions are allowed.

Nonfiction Open


Open to a broad Audience.

Book Book

Open to all/most Styles, including: Literary, Mainstream, Personal.


Open to all/most Topics, including: History, Lifestyle (General, Cooking, Food and Drink), Memoir, Nature/Environment (General, Nature), Society/Culture (See guidelines), Sports/Recreation, Travel.


Method: Online form.
Simultaneous submissions: Simultaneous submissions are allowed.

Always check guidelines for details and restrictions. If you aren't familiar with these terms, see our glossary.

Jenny Stephens Submission Statistics — Free Preview!

The statistics in this section are compiled from submission reports sent to us through our submission tracker. They are not provided by the agency or by Duotrope's admins. Information in this section is updated a few times per day. Learn more about the statistics.
AccuracyWe have received 1 report within the past 12 months, not including pending responses (see below). The more responses reported, the more accurate the information.
Pending1 response is pending (55 days waiting). This only includes pending reports from users who have been active on Duotrope within the past 30 days

Other Information

This agent may not respond to all queries. After waiting a reasonable amount of time, assume your submission will not be accepted.

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Last Updated: 05 Jun 2024
Last Audited: 09 May 2024. (We audit each active listing twice a year. Learn more at link.)
Date Added: 11 Jun 2018

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  • Always read the full guidelines provided by the agency/agent.
  • Unless the agency's guidelines state otherwise, always use industry standard manuscript formatting.
  • For agency submissions, it is standard to submit a query letter and sample instead of the full manuscript. Do this unless otherwise instructed.
  • Be professional, patient, and persistent.