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Chicken Soup for the Soul Series

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Since 1993, Chicken Soup for the Soul has been a socially conscious company that combines storytelling with making the world a better place. We began by being as inclusive as possible in the pages of our books, publishing stories by people of all faiths, nationalities, ethnicities, sexual orientation and gender identities.
From the beginning, we have also shared our revenues with nonprofit organizations that do good in the world. Some of our recent recipients include American Humane, Toys for Tots, and Dress for Success.
We now provide entertainment, inspiration and wellness across many platforms in addition to our books, including TV, movies and video programming; podcasting; positive journalism; and pet food. We continue to tell the stories of all people through our efforts, always with an eye to furthering unity and understanding, and an appreciation for our differences.
The members of our team are diverse, representing many ethnicities, religions, nationalities, and the LGBTQ community. We continue to seek even more diversity in our team members and our storytelling as we further our mission of “changing the world one story at a time®.”

The editors may not respond to all submissions. After waiting a reasonable amount of time, assume your submission will not be accepted.

Country of Publication & Year Established

United States Established in 1993

Publication Medium & Frequency

Print Publication Print PublicationUnknown publication frequency.

Nonfiction Open


Rolling Deadlines: Check cutoff dates.


Open to a broad Audience.

Narrative Nonfiction Narrative NonfictionUp to 1,200 words; Unknown number of pieces.

Open to all/most Styles, including: Mainstream, Personal.


Memoir (See guidelines), Other (May vary, See guidelines).

Change your habits & attitudes / change your life31 Aug 2024*0
Cat Stories30 Sep 2024*1
Dog Stories30 Sep 2024*9

Unknown payment Unknown payment.


Method: Online form.
Reprints: Reprints are NOT allowed.
Simultaneous submissions: Unknown.
Multiple entries: Multiple entries are allowed.
Media: Text.

Poetry Open


Rolling Deadlines: Check cutoff dates.


Open to a broad Audience.

General General
Poem PoemNo line limits known; Unknown number of pieces.
Poetry Forms:

Open to all/most Forms, including: Narrative poetry, Prose poetry.


Open to all/most Styles, including: Mainstream.


Other (May vary, See guidelines).

Change your habits & attitudes / change your life31 Aug 2024*0
Cat Stories30 Sep 2024*5
Dog Stories30 Sep 2024*4

Unknown payment Unknown payment.


Method: Online form.
Reprints: Reprints are NOT allowed.
Simultaneous submissions: Unknown.
Multiple entries: Multiple entries are allowed.
Media: Text.

Always check guidelines for details and restrictions. If you aren't familiar with these terms, see our glossary.
* We do not know the time and/or timezone, so we cannot be more precise. Submit early to avoid disappointment.

Chicken Soup for the Soul Series Submission Statistics — Free Preview!

The statistics in this section are compiled from submission reports sent to us through our submission tracker. They are not provided by the publication's editors/staff or by Duotrope's admins. Information in this section is updated a few times per day. Learn more about the statistics.
AccuracyWe have received 7 reports from 5 different members within the past 12 months, not including pending responses (see below). The more responses reported, the more accurate the information.
Days Reported148 min | 299.1 mean avg | 246.0 median | 474 max days (133.3 std dev)
Pending25 responses are pending (2 min | 105.5 mean avg | 94.0 median | 352 max days waiting | 98.5 std dev) from 19 different members This only includes pending reports from users who have been active on Duotrope within the past 30 days

Other Information

The editors may not respond to all submissions. After waiting a reasonable amount of time, assume your submission will not be accepted.

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Last Updated: 15 Jun 2024
Last Audited: 13 Jun 2024. (We audit each active listing twice a year. Learn more at link.)
Date Added: 22 Mar 2010

Before Submitting

We cannot guarantee that the information on this page is correct. It is not unusual for publications to evolve or close without notice. We do our best to keep up, but it isn't always possible. Duotrope listings do not imply endorsement or recommendation of the project being listed. Before submitting, you should use your own judgment to determine whether the project meets your standards.

  • Always read the full guidelines provided by the publisher.
  • Try to read at least one previous publication to get a better idea of what the editor would like to see.
  • Unless the publisher's guidelines state otherwise, always use industry standard manuscript formatting.
  • Be professional, patient, and persistent.