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Send an Update/Correction for a Listing (or other correspondence regarding a listing)

  • This is not the correct page to report new cover art or a new issue. Go here to report new cover art.
  • If this is about a contest or anthology that does not already have a listing with us, please request a new listing instead. (We list contests and anthologies separately from the main listing.)
  • If you are requesting a correction or update, please enter a brief note stating what we need to change.
  • ATTN Editors and Agents: We will not make any changes to our listing that contradict information on your official site. If you are making a policy change, you will need to update your site first.
  • Be more specific than "guidelines have changed," and also do not paste your submission guidelines text into the form. Instead, please tell us what needs to be changed.
  • Do not use single letter codes when referring to genres, lengths, etc. Also, please use punctuation, line breaks, etc. You are writing to a human, not a computer.
  • If the website has changed, don't forget to provide the address.

Contact Duotrope about New Ohio Review Contact us about a different listing

(We respect your privacy. See our Privacy Policy.)
(Please be succinct. Messages over 8,000 characters will be truncated.)