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Tales of Terror & Mayhem from Deep Within the Box

A project of Wicked East Press (see other related projects).

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After hiding down in his box for the last few weeks, Charlie, The Evil Little Jester, is ready to unveil his latest and greatest writing endeavor. He's titled it “The Gift,” a true tale of the origin of the little guy and how he became so evil. Call it a memoir or an autobiography, but after I sat down and read it, I felt it was more of a twisted tale of evil revenge and pure carnage, sure to raise some hairs on the back of your neck. Nonetheless, Charlie in the Box went a step further. He took his idea and knocked on the publishing doors of Wicked East Press without my knowledge, and broke bread at the table with their owner Jessica Weiss, discussing his devious plan. It wasn't until later the same night while I was relaxed watching TV, that the Evil Jester approached me, jumping on my lap to tell me what's coming down the pike. So, as his owner, I'm proud to announce that Charlie in the Box is opening his first Anthology Book, inviting all his friends and fans to join him on his latest venture, the evil little ham. Charlie told me he's looking for your best, most frightening and horrifying dark tale of terror and mayhem, without spilling too much blood in the process. He prefers the psychological tale, the type that likes to get into your brain and twist your neurons until they shoot sparks in all directions, forcing our readers into a psychotic state of mind. We also want stories that will keep our reader's night lights on for weeks to come. He's not looking for the occult, satanic stories, or demons gone amuck. This includes anything involved with sexual abuse, child abuse, sex with animals, animal abuse, or anything else not appropriate for a good old fashioned horror, thriller and suspense book. Don't make the little guy angry, he just had his elongated teeth sharpened, and his bite is much, much worse than his bark. I have some wounds to prove it.

Country of Publication

United States

Publication Media & Frequency

Electronic Publication Electronic PublicationOne-time publication.
Print Publication Print PublicationOne-time publication.

Fiction Closed



Horror HorrorOpen to all/most Subgenres, including: Psychological.
Short Story Short Story3,500 - 5,000 words.





No monetary payment No monetary payment.


Method: Electronic submissions.
Reprints: Reprints are NOT allowed.
Simultaneous submissions: Unknown.
Media: Text.

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Last Updated: 24 Aug 2020
Date Added: 30 Jun 2011

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