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Editor Interviews

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Read all the editors' answers to Duotrope's interview question: How much do you want to know about the person submitting to you? Learn more.

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Here is a small sampling from our recent Editor Interviews. We have interviewed over 2,200 editors.

Q: How much do you want to know about the person submitting to you?

A: Anyone who submits work to the journal can reveal as much or as little about themselves as they’d like. Some submit cover letters, others don’t; both are perfectly acceptable as long as all of the submission guidelines are followed. A person’s background, location, publication history, and other details have no influence over a publication decision. My curiosity does, however, enjoy when people share what compelled them to submit to the journal. That information can sometimes reveal what motivates them as a writer or artist, which I find interesting on a human level. But again, that has no bearing on a publication verdict.

A: It doesn't matter to us whether someone's been published ten or a hundred times. All that matters is that the story/poem/comic is good. We appreciate a cover letter since it lets us get to know our prospective artists better, but it's really not necessary.

A: It really doesn't matter to me if the writer is established or new. I do like if people tell me their name!

Lynn Mundell, Founder, Editor of Centaur, 02 May 2024

A: We enjoy cover letters, but only ask for a short bio and headshot. A list of publication credits isn't necessary.

A: Cover letters can be helpful! But are definitely not necessary. Previous pub credits are a plus.

A: I need your email and confirmation that you're a woman.

A: In our publications, we include a short biography along with each story. It is important the author provides this on submission. Beyond that, if there is a personal reason why you are specifically submitting to us, we'd love to hear it.

A: We ask contributors for a brief (under 100 words) 3rd-person bio note.

A: Not really. We like a few words about what the author has written to date.

A: No, we appreciate succinct letters with a small explanation about the tone / ethos of the work.

A: We ask for the following on our submission form:
o your name (pen names are okay)
o your email address (so we can contact you if you win!)
o your country (so we can share how much we're growing; the November 2023 contest received submissions from 68 different countries)
o the name of anyone who referred you (so they can receive $50 USD if you win!)

A: We prefer a short, third-person bio to get a sense of building community, and also to consider our submitters for our interview series.