Did you know that Duotrope members have recently* been accepted by these top publications?
AGNI, Ploughshares, The Missouri Review, The Sun Magazine, swamp pink, Chestnut Review, Baltimore Review, The Adroit Journal, Split Lip Magazine, West Branch, Copper Nickel, CRAFT, Kenyon Review, Ninth Letter, New England Review, Colorado Review, The Georgia Review, Bennington Review, STORY Magazine, SmokeLong Quarterly, Clarkesworld, The Iowa Review, Rattle, Michigan Quarterly Review, The Cincinnati Review, and many more.
We are proud that our tools help writers and artists achieve such extraordinary success, and we applaud everyone who has the courage to submit!
* Within the past 12 months. This list is recompiled once a day. Last compiled: Friday, January 17, 2025 8:34:53 PM UTC.