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Jane Nightshade's Serial Encounters Anthology

A project of HellBound Books Publishing (see other related projects).

Do not submit here! This project is permanently closed to submissions (October 2023). We provide the following information as an archive.


Have you ever wondered about the ordinary people who came in contact with famous serial killers before everyone knew them for their depraved, murderous acts? What did Jeffrey Dahmer's plumber experience when he unclogged the notorious cannibal's toilet? Or how about the guy who worked in the music shop where Charles Manson had his guitars strung? The girl who waited on Ted Bundy at his favorite coffee shop? Jack the Ripper's neighborhood bartender? How about one of the kids who had John Wayne Gacey perform as a clown at their birthday party?

Country of Publication & Year Established

United States Established in 2023

Publication Media & Frequency

Electronic Publication Electronic PublicationOne-time publication.
Print Publication Print PublicationOne-time publication.

Fiction Closed

For this anthology, we're looking for short stories about casual encounters of fictional people with REAL LIFE serial killers, that turned creepy or deadly. Stories can be straight crime/thriller stories or ones with a supernatural bent (haunted objects, ghosts, demons, etc.). Characters and victims, aside from the serial killers, must be fictional—real names of victims or family members can not be used. Also, feel free to use lesser-known killers like Richard Speck or The Boston Strangler, in case the Bundy and Manson stories start piling up like the bodies of their victims... Note: Stories should not lionize or celebrate the serial killers, or promote racism, bigotry, or depictions of violence against children.


Open to a broad Audience.

Horror HorrorOpen to all/most Subgenres, including: Supernatural.
Mystery/Crime Mystery/CrimeSubgenre: Crime.
Suspense/Thriller Suspense/ThrillerOpen to all/most Subgenres.
Short Story Short Story1,000 - 5,000 words.

Open to all/most Styles, including: Mainstream.


Society/Culture (Crime, See guidelines), Other (See guidelines).


Token payment (under 1 US cent per word) Token payment (under 1 US cent per word).
Note: We list broad pay categories rather than payment specifics. Check with the publisher for details.


Method: Electronic submissions.
Reprints: Reprints are NOT allowed.
Simultaneous submissions: Unknown.
Multiple entries: Unknown.
Media: Text.

Always check guidelines for details and restrictions. If you aren't familiar with these terms, see our glossary.

Jane Nightshade's Serial Encounters Anthology Submission Statistics — Free Preview!

The statistics in this section are compiled from submission reports sent to us through our submission tracker. They are not provided by the publication's editors/staff or by Duotrope's admins. Information in this section is updated a few times per day. Learn more about the statistics.
AccuracyWe have not received any complete reports within the past 12 months.

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Last Updated: 21 Dec 2024
Date Added: 06 Sep 2023

Before Submitting

We cannot guarantee that the information on this page is correct. It is not unusual for publications to evolve or close without notice. We do our best to keep up, but it isn't always possible. Duotrope listings do not imply endorsement or recommendation of the project being listed. Before submitting, you should use your own judgment to determine whether the project meets your standards.

  • Always read the full guidelines provided by the publisher.
  • Try to read at least one previous publication to get a better idea of what the editor would like to see.
  • Unless the publisher's guidelines state otherwise, always use industry standard manuscript formatting.
  • Be professional, patient, and persistent.