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Editor Interviews

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Read all the editors' answers to Duotrope's interview question: Describe the ideal submission. Learn more.

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Here is a small sampling from our recent Editor Interviews. We have interviewed over 2,275 editors.

Q: Describe the ideal submission.

A: A group of poems that says something compelling, and leaves us surprised, moved, or having learned something new.

A: Formatted well and easily readable, matches the theme, has love and dedication put into it.

A: The ideal submission is non-simultaneous and not previously published. The cover letter should be succinct but provide the necessary details. The attachment should be in Word Doc form, and with no silly fonts.

A: The ideal submission is a story with a unique and exciting premise, a hook that draws me in, palpable tension between the characters, evocative and sensory language, and leaves me feeling good in my body (even if the ending isn't happy). Moreover:
1. The main character has strong external and internal conflicts. There are high stakes for why the character needs to overcome both conflicts.  
2. The external conflict threatens the completion of the MC's internal character arc (i.e. threatens their ability to resolve their internal conflict). 
3. External GMC and internal GMC are not both about sex. The best stories are those in which the sex is woven in, but not the sole source of conflict. 
And don't forget to line edit carefully!

A: Thought-provoking, positively inspiring, and a little quirky.

River Alexander, Concept Director of ZO Magazine, 28 January 2025

A: A narrative about unusual places, people, and events that refrains from exoticising. An ideal submission would have clear accessible language and story arc. I want to be immediately thrown into the text, yet also surprised in some way. Text, images or media that brings us on a journey whether physically, emotionally, intellectually prick our senses and lift our spirits or challenge us in some way. Writing works well when it connects with the experience of the reader but I also appreciate when the opposite is true – that the reader sees something new in the author, and is taken to a new place or different reality. Often this comes from an honest, authentic self, revealing one’s innermost thoughts and feelings. At these points of vulnerability the best writing seems to come through. Submissions should follow the guidelines (word count, genre, style guide, etc) but the decision to include the work is really based on whether it moves us or not.

A: Professionally formatted and meets all the guidelines published on the website. It should have a brief cover letter/intro paragraph and an author's bio of fifty words or less. Since I am trying to reach a global audience with RFM, mentioning the names of countries/cities/regions where you have lived helps attract more readers, because those names function as keywords on the website and helps establish connections with other nations, peoples, and cultures.

A: A well-thought-out, professionally presented thing that we have never seen before. By which I mean, pursue your strangest ideas, but take them seriously enough to bring them to some level of refinement.

A: A snappy pitch for a music/poetry review, with an idea of the content
Poems with biography of poet

A: The ideal submission is the story or poem that touches me somehow - whether it makes me laugh or makes me cry. I love the pieces that can be felt. And I've been lucky as EIC at Micromance to experience this often.

A: The ideal submission for Moonday Mag opens with atmospheric descriptions and a main character who would otherwise not be given a second glance when passing on the sidewalk. We love feelings and moods over conversations and personalities. We want to be transported – into a world, into a moment. The ideal submission is also crafted for Moonday Mag, by a writer who has followed our journey and knows what we want to see. Simultaneous submissions are always welcome, but we can definitely tell when you just get us.

Caridad Cole, Editor-in-chief of Moonday Mag, 10 January 2025

A: The writing is clear enough that I forget I'm reading as an editor and instead feel as though I am transported into a new world of ideas, feeling, or story.

Jen Knox, Executive Director of Unleash Lit, 05 January 2025